It really depends on the kind of data the reports contain.


Personally I feel that you should provide all the data you have, so an
unlimited date range.  Most companies probably limit it b/c they archive off
older data.


Those CC companies etc that charge more for older stuff are crooks.  But if
they are going to limit they should at least provide The current year +
previous year (for tax lookup purposes).




From: [] On Behalf Of Ajas Mohammed
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 3:32 PM
Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] Coldfusion 7 , date range for html reports


Hi all,

We have several web applications and usually we provide customers with
reports in html and xls format. The date range we provide is about 3-6
months. Now we moved reports to a different server because server was
getting too much load it could handle.

So my questions is, when you design an application what date range you
should give for reports? I know some credit card companies would let you run
a report for only a month or two, anything more would be an extra charge. So
how do you handle date range? what is good and what is the general practice.


<Ajas Mohammed />
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