Since this has arrived in my email, I'll comment as well, even if I'm diluting the discussion.

SME server spends a lot of time explaining that it isn't a Linux Distro, it's not for mythtv or gcc and so on, it's a simple, rock solid solution for the specific set of problems it's targeted at.

I've been using this since version 4 (e-smith!), and the lack of a link between DHCP and DNS has always made me a little sad. It's the kind of feature that really belongs in a product making claims to be specifically targeted to do what it does.

I found and added the contrib in question by sheer luck yesterday when I was trying to find a way to set dhcp options for voip phones in the server manager.

If you take features like this and make them contribs then it dilutes the usefulness of SME-Server. So long as DNS is core, and DHCP is core, basic functions for both should be core as well, IMO.

However, I appreciate that it's one thing for me to make an architectural decision in line with the project's aims, and quite another to just assume that someone with the time and will to make it happen will just follow along, so I thank each and all of you for all your hard work over the years.....

 - Dan

PS: Can we make FreePBX core as well please?   ;)

On 03/04/17 23:30, Stefano Zamboni wrote:

since I was explicitly requested to discuss this topic outside BZ, I forward it to devinfo and discussion

Bug 2388 was created to add to the core the feature of keeping in sync dhcp leases and dns entries

in the (long) bug's discussion some solutions were proposed and, at the end, Stephane created a contrib (thank you mate), because adding a feature to the core is harder than digging a tunnel under a mountain with a tea spoon :-)


the code to solve/offer the requested feature already exists, so the bug itself should not exist and the code developed by Steph should be already merged into the core.

so, my first question is: why this code is not in the base?

and the second one is: since we moved it to the futurere and SME10 is in alpha stage (which is exactly the phase were you add and test features), what are the requested steps to add the code to the base?

thank you


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        [Bug 2388] Parse dhcpd.leases and feed to tinydns
Date:   Mon, 03 Apr 2017 13:18:37 +0000

*Comment # 137 <> on bug 2388 <> from Jean-Philippe Pialasse <> *
(In reply to Stefano Zamboni fromcomment #136 <show_bug.cgi?id=2388#c136>)
> I'm well aware of how things are supposed to work.. > > the "issue" here is that we already have a contrib, made by Steph, which > offers the requested feature..

that is not the issue I see. What I see here is the need to have dhcp lease and
dns to be in sync as base functionality.

Further more having a contrib is not an issue but a workaround. Thanks to
Stephan to have worked on it.

>> so, IMO, this bug should be cloned for SME10 and this one (which was a NFR > for SME9) closed..

which mean we loose the follow up existing in this bug, or we need to consult
two bugs to fully understand the situation. That's why we usually move the bug
to the higher version of SME available, so we can fix it with a full. Then
duplicate it to lower version where we want to backport it.

>> sounds reasonable?

what would sound reasonable is to keep on discussion on devinfo instead of
diluting this bug.
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