Hello everyone,

the Bits&Bäume Conference is a conference on the subject of digital sustainability and it took place in 2018 for the first and only time so far. This year however there will be the next edition of Bits&Bäume and this time the FSFE is part of its organising committe. We are only one of many organisations, but our goal is of course to have many interesting topics around Free Software in connection with digital sustainability.

You can find the call for participation here:
Registration deadline: June 7th

The text of the call for participation is quite long, but you will see that this is true because there are actually many different ways to participate. Lectures and workshops can be submitted, but also art and science, conceptual gatherings or other creative forms of activity. "Start-Ups" also have the opportunity to present themselves to a jury in a "Pitch and Thrive".

As you can see, the format is really very open to contributions and I would be very happy if we could see a lot of Free Software topics being covered on the different stages : )

And while I can't help you to get your submission through, I am happy to help if you have any questions or want feedback on whether your format might be of general interest or not. Feel free to ask me directly about it. And also feel free to distribute this mail further on any other list from that you think there are people who will be actually interested in it.

Questions and ideas of general interest could be for example
* Lectures on different dimensions of the sustainability of Free Software
  (technical, economical, social ...)
* Your favorite Free Software that contributes to sustainability
* A piece of hardware that you were able to give a new life to with the help
  of Free Software or extended usage time
* Increased resource efficiency of your computer through free software
* Organizational sustainability through the use of free software and Opener
* Sustainable knowledge management and and and

Best regards,

No one shall ever be forced to use non-free software
Erik Albers - Programme Manager Digital Sustainability
Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE)
Discussion mailing list

This mailing list is covered by the FSFE's Code of Conduct. All
participants are kindly asked to be excellent to each other:

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