On Wed, 7 Dec 2005, Alon Altman wrote:

> If I understand correctly, the video accessibility problem may be 
> relevant to deaf (or hard of hearing) people who are also 
> illterate or dyslexic, but sill have access to modern computing 
> equipment and a high-speed connection.

Or people who are more fluent in sign language than in any written 
language. Or people who don't type fast. Or people who don't like 
to type. Or people who need to hold a baby in one arm while signing 
with the other (and at the same time keeping the baby away from the 
keyboard). Or ...

Or maybe just people who want to communicate using their everyday 
medium of communication, sign language, over a network. Why should 
this be treated any differently than voice?

> How many of those are there anyway?

I don't know. Do you?


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