Re: [TEST] Test mailing list subscription status after a quiet period

2005-12-31 חוט Orna Agmon
Hi Haim,

My POV is that If you build it, they will come. Nobody _needs_ posters
in order to get a LUG going. Posters may be printed for W2L events, but
usually (at least in Haifux) promotion of the W2L was done using simple
copy-machine prints.

The important thing about setting up a LUG is getting good lecturers to
begin a standard, and getting good people who wish to be the core of the
group. I suggest that before investing money in PR, you researched the
level of interest in that regard.

Previous new LUGs did not have a LUG within about 100 kilometers from
them. BIUX will have Telux in the same city. Will there be enough people
who want to come to BIUX? Or will the people who come to Telux just come
sometimes here and sometimes there, thus reducing the number of people in
each lecture? A minimal number of people is required in a lecture,
otherwise the lecturer feels cheated - the lecturer has travelled for some
time, wasting money and time, and nobody (or very few people) want to
listen to him/her.


On Sat, 31 Dec 2005, Haim Tzadok wrote:

 Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2005 02:52:17 +0200
 From: Haim Tzadok [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [TEST] Test mailing list subscription status after a quiet

 Dotan, I support your ideas and think this is the right way to build a good
frame of work.
As I mentioned in a reply to Shlomi's mail(which was practically ignored):

Is there any intention from the Amuta/Vaad to proceed promoting each club
continuing activities  ?!
In Bar-Ilan, we intend to continue with a bi-weekly lectures, from the start
of the 2nd semester.(March-06)

For that we need more resources (postcards, posters, CD's etc...)
and of course lecturers - if anyone has any interesting subject in
Linux/open source he want to present.


On 12/30/05, Dotan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Omer Zak wrote:

 At this opportunity I would like to ask the candidates for the next
 Hamakor Board elections to tell us exactly what they think should be
 done by them in their role as Board members, and what should be done in
 their role as acting project leaders.
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BIUX vs. TELUX (was: Re: [TEST] Test mailing list subscription status after a quiet period)

2005-12-31 חוט Omer Zak
On Sat, 2005-12-31 at 12:56 +0200, Orna Agmon wrote:
 Previous new LUGs did not have a LUG within about 100 kilometers from
 them. BIUX will have Telux in the same city. Will there be enough people
 who want to come to BIUX? Or will the people who come to Telux just come
 sometimes here and sometimes there, thus reducing the number of people in
 each lecture? A minimal number of people is required in a lecture,
 otherwise the lecturer feels cheated - the lecturer has travelled for some
 time, wasting money and time, and nobody (or very few people) want to
 listen to him/her.

BIUX is indeed near to TELUX for people with car or other means of
transportation.  However, at rush hours, transportation time between TAU
and BIU can be as long as an hour, equivalent to 100Km of inter-city
clear road.  And LUG meetings typically start at or shortly after rush

So it makes sense to hold some Linux related lectures in BIU.

I suggest that BIUX and TELUX coordinate their lectures and times so
that at least people with too much time on their hands will be able to
profitably spend their time in both TELUX and BIUX.  It may also be a
good idea to schedule a lecture and then let the BIUX and TELUX members
vote together where they prefer to hear the lecture - TAU or BIU.  Then
hold the lecture where the majority prefers it.

(NOTE:  the above was written under the general philosophy of trying to
support an activity as much as possible by finding for it means to make
sense, rather than kill it due to a reason from a never-ending list of
reasons and excuses.)
  --- Omer
Sent from a PC running a top secret test version of Windows 97.
My own blog is at

My opinions, as expressed in this E-mail message, are mine alone.
They do not represent the official policy of any organization with which
I may be affiliated in any way.

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Re: [TEST] Test mailing list subscription status after a quiet period

2005-12-31 חוט Dotan

Orna Agmon wrote:

Hi Haim,

My POV is that If you build it, they will come. Nobody _needs_ posters
in order to get a LUG going. Posters may be printed for W2L events, but
usually (at least in Haifux) promotion of the W2L was done using simple
copy-machine prints.

And ofcourse the time of the LUG coordinator/s.

The important thing about setting up a LUG is getting good lecturers to
begin a standard, and getting good people who wish to be the core of the
group. I suggest that before investing money in PR, you researched the
level of interest in that regard.

In the JLC there are almost two paralel courses going - the 1st is the 
common weekdays afternoon lectures which requires lecturers as mentioned 
but we also have a wired Saturday night meetings tradition going on 
which allows those who can't come to the lecture to enjoy the community 
atmosphere and participate in other activities. I guess theses Saturday 
night meetings are much like the Tapuz forum meetings and naturaly it 
does not require lecturers and relay mostly on some sort of community.

Previous new LUGs did not have a LUG within about 100 kilometers from
them. BIUX will have Telux in the same city. Will there be enough people
who want to come to BIUX? Or will the people who come to Telux just come
sometimes here and sometimes there, thus reducing the number of people in
each lecture? A minimal number of people is required in a lecture,
otherwise the lecturer feels cheated - the lecturer has travelled for some
time, wasting money and time, and nobody (or very few people) want to
listen to him/her.

To be honest we had two lectures canceled in the JLC due to lack of 
audiance and despite being far from otehr LUGS and indeed it was no fun, 
not for the lecturers and not for me. I guess the secret is to keep 
going, FOSS is gaining more interest with every year/month/week and 
consistent LUG activity will pay sooner or later.

Anyway, back to the point I raised before, I hope letting the activists 
choose where the budget they get goes will let them come up with 
creative ideas and solutions that will finnaly push FOSS, in general, 


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Wikipedia and Wallapedia

2005-12-31 חוט Eran Tromer
On 2005-12-30 19:12, Orna Agmon wrote:

 Wallapedia has taken a snapshot of Wikipedia
 content (which is under the GFDL) and is presenting it on its site. The
 wikipedia pages are presented with the footer Copyright 2004 walla! All
 rights reserved in addition to the GFDL. 

Legally that's fine. Walla indeed has the copyright for some elements of
the page (e.g., the formatting markup); and they do distribute it under
the GFDL.

However, at the bottom of the page they also have a link to תנאי השימוש
באתר (, which are
not GFDL-compliant. That's a clear GFDL violation.

They are also in violation of Section 3 (Copying in Quantity) since
they do not provide the transparent version (editable Wiki source) of
the articles.

If anyone arranges a legal approach, you may count me in as a (currently
pseudonymous) copyright holder.

 wallapedia does not present author credits, which is in violation of the GFDL.

That part is far from clear, alas.

Under Section 4 of the GFDL (Modification) they must list the original
authors, and also preserve the warranty disclaimers; they do neither.

But Walla can claim to have used the Document under Section 2 (Verbatim
Copying), and if Document is taken to be just the article text per se
then they would be in compliance this section. [1]

The problem is that the GFDL and Wikipedia don't define the scope of the
Document. Is it each paragraph by itself, or the article text, or the
full article page, or the article page and its associated History and
Talk pages, or maybe the whole site? The definition of Document in the
GFDL (any [...] manual or work [that] contains a notice placed by the
copyright holder saying it can be distributed under the terms of this
License) sheds little light on this question. [2]

The omission of a useful definition of Document and Modified work is
a serious issue and greatly weakens the ability to enforce the GFDL on
Wikipedia material. It may not have been much of an issue for regular
books (for which, clearly, the GFDL was designed), but it's surprising
to see such gaping holes in a license drafted just 3 years ago.

In the unlikely case that this wasn't discussed before, maybe it should
be brought up in the relevant Wikipedia cabals.

BTW, does this have anything to do with Hamakor?


[1] Actually under Israeli law Walla may still have to provide author
information due to the moral right requirements, but this is weakened
by permission for verbatim copying of a Document that itself contains
no authorship information; it's also country-specific.

[2] You can claim that the smallest Wikipedia unit which literally
contains a notice is the full article page, including its formatting
and footer. This may be technically correct, but far from being
sufficiently clear and obvious to guarantee successful enforcement.

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Re: Wikipedia and Wallapedia

2005-12-31 חוט Ram-on Agmon

שלום לכולם, ובעיקר לחברי וועדת האתיקה המכובדים. 
(השורה הקודמת כוללת הומור פרטי).

אני חושב שכל עוד מאייתים את השם של ווקפדיה נכון, הרי זה משובח. 

אולי אפשר למצוא תת סעיף ואפילו סעיף שלם שלא בדיוק מתיישבים עם העיצוב
המכוער או השם הדוחה שהם בחרו לפרויקט.

אבל בעיני כל זה משני לעובדה שאחד האתרים הגדולים במדינה נותן לגיטמציה
לפרויקט חופשי. 

נכון, שבעיני ואני משער שבעיני רבים, ווקפדיה היא זו המעניקה לגיטמציה
לוואלה, אבל אני חושב שהמאבק העיקרי הוא דעת הקהל. ככול שיותר אנשים יחשפו
לאיכות של פרויקטים חופשיים, כך הלגיטמציה של רעיון החופש בעיני הציבור
תלך ותגדל. אם הפרויקט של וואלה יחשוף עוד אנשים לאיכות המוצרים שהקוד
הפתוח מנפיק, אז הרווח הוא נקי. 

בכלל, הרעיון של להעתיק תכנים מווקפדיה במקום פשוט להפנות לשם אנשים הוא
דבילי במהותו. וויקי עושה את מה שהוא עושה באופן נהדר, משום שהממשק הוא
חלק מהרעיון. מה שוואלה עשו זה לקחת ממשק חופשי ולשים עליו משקפיים
קניניים. אבל אפשר להתייחס לזה כמו להריץ אופן אופיס תחת חלונות. סה"כ שלב
לקראת הדבר האמיתי. 

אם ynet יתחילו עכשיו להזיע ובזכות זה עוד מידע יצא לחופשי, אם האתרים
הבורגניים בארץ יבינו שהקוד הפתוח הוא עוצמה ולתמוך בו יתרום להם, אז

אגב, חשבתם על זה שאם מקשיבים למעבד בזמן שהוא עובד, אפשר לפענח את המידע
העובר דרכו?

יום טוב. 

Eran Tromer wrote:

  On 2005-12-30 19:12, Orna Agmon wrote:

Wallapedia has taken a snapshot of Wikipedia
content (which is under the GFDL) and is presenting it on its site. The
wikipedia pages are presented with the footer "Copyright 2004 walla! All
rights reserved" in addition to the GFDL. 

Legally that's fine. Walla indeed has the copyright for some elements of
the page (e.g., the formatting markup); and they do distribute it under
the GFDL.

However, at the bottom of the page they also have a link to "תנאי השימוש
באתר" (, which are
not GFDL-compliant. That's a clear GFDL violation.

They are also in violation of Section 3 ("Copying in Quantity") since
they do not provide the transparent version (editable Wiki source) of
the articles.

If anyone arranges a legal approach, you may count me in as a (currently
pseudonymous) copyright holder.

wallapedia does not present author credits, which is in violation of the GFDL.

That part is far from clear, alas.

Under Section 4 of the GFDL (Modification) they must list the original
authors, and also preserve the warranty disclaimers; they do neither.

But Walla can claim to have used the Document under Section 2 (Verbatim
Copying), and if "Document" is taken to be just the article text per se
then they would be in compliance this section. [1]

The problem is that the GFDL and Wikipedia don't define the scope of the
"Document". Is it each paragraph by itself, or the article text, or the
full article page, or the article page and its associated History and
Talk pages, or maybe the whole site? The definition of "Document" in the
GFDL ("any [...] manual or work [that] contains a notice placed by the
copyright holder saying it can be distributed under the terms of this
License") sheds little light on this question. [2]

The omission of a useful definition of "Document" and "Modified work" is
a serious issue and greatly weakens the ability to enforce the GFDL on
Wikipedia material. It may not have been much of an issue for regular
books (for which, clearly, the GFDL was designed), but it's surprising
to see such gaping holes in a license drafted just 3 years ago.

In the unlikely case that this wasn't discussed before, maybe it should
be brought up in the relevant Wikipedia cabals.

BTW, does this have anything to do with Hamakor?


[1] Actually under Israeli law Walla may still have to provide author
information due to the "moral right" requirements, but this is weakened
by permission for verbatim copying of a "Document" that itself contains
no authorship information; it's also country-specific.

[2] You can claim that the smallest Wikipedia unit which literally
"contains a notice" is the full article page, including its formatting
and footer. This may be technically correct, but far from being
sufficiently clear and obvious to guarantee successful enforcement.

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Re: Wikipedia and Wallapedia

2005-12-31 חוט Eran Tromer
On 2005-12-31 20:54, Ram-on Agmon wrote:
 אני חושב שכל עוד מאייתים את השם של ווקפדיה נכון, הרי זה משובח.
 אבל בעיני כל זה משני לעובדה שאחד האתרים הגדולים במדינה נותן לגיטמציה
 לפרויקט חופשי.
  אבל אני חושב שהמאבק העיקרי הוא דעת הקהל. ככול שיותר אנשים יחשפו
 לאיכות של פרויקטים חופשיים, כך הלגיטמציה של רעיון החופש בעיני הציבור
 תלך ותגדל. אם הפרויקט של וואלה יחשוף עוד אנשים לאיכות המוצרים שהקוד
 הפתוח מנפיק, אז הרווח הוא נקי.

הלגיטימציה והחשיפה מוגבלים כאן ליודעי דבר, שכן ואללה! לא מציינים את
מקור המידע, וגם כותבים במפורש שהתוכן אינו חופשי (באחד משני הקישורים

  Sysop, Northern Castle BBS

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Re: Wikipedia and Wallapedia

2005-12-31 חוט Ram-on Agmon

הי ערן.
בדף הראשון יש הפניה לרשיון של גנו, ובנוסף לזה בקשה לתרומות עבור
ויקיפדיה וקישור לאתר התרומות של ויקמדיה. 
לי זה נראה סבבה מכל בחינה שהיא.
גם אם קיימת בעיה, המסלול הנכון להערכתי הוא לפנות אליהם ולא ללכת לבית
המשפט. בתי משפט זו הדרך היקרה, הלא יעילה והמעיקה שאפשר להעלות על הדעת.
אני חושב שאם יש בעיה (שלא הצלחתי לשים לב אליה) הרי היא נוצרה בשגג בתום


E=MC^2     ֳֳNagasaki         Japan

Eran Tromer wrote:

  On 2005-12-31 20:54, Ram-on Agmon wrote:
אני חושב שכל עוד מאייתים את השם של ווקפדיה נכון, הרי זה משובח.

אבל בעיני כל זה משני לעובדה שאחד האתרים הגדולים במדינה נותן לגיטמציה
לפרויקט חופשי.

 אבל אני חושב שהמאבק העיקרי הוא דעת הקהל. ככול שיותר אנשים יחשפו
לאיכות של פרויקטים חופשיים, כך הלגיטמציה של רעיון החופש בעיני הציבור
תלך ותגדל. אם הפרויקט של וואלה יחשוף עוד אנשים לאיכות המוצרים שהקוד
הפתוח מנפיק, אז הרווח הוא נקי.

הלגיטימציה והחשיפה מוגבלים כאן ליודעי דבר, שכן "ואללה!" לא מציינים את
מקור המידע, וגם כותבים במפורש שהתוכן אינו חופשי (באחד משני הקישורים

  Sysop, Northern Castle BBS

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Re: Wikipedia and Wallapedia

2005-12-31 חוט Orna Agmon
Hi Ram-on,

The donation request is temporary - it will soon not be on wikipedia pages

There is a discussion about this on the Wikipedia Miznon (in Hebrew):

Everybody is invited.

On Sun, 1 Jan 2006, Ram-on Agmon wrote:

 Date: Sun, 01 Jan 2006 00:18:15 +0200
 From: Ram-on Agmon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Eran Tromer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: Orna Agmon [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Subject: Re: Wikipedia and Wallapedia

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 E=MC^2 �³�³Nagasaki Japan

 Eran Tromer wrote:

 On 2005-12-31 20:54, Ram-on Agmon wrote:
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   Sysop, Northern Castle BBS
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Orna Agmon
ICQ: 348759096

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Re: Wikipedia and Wallapedia

2005-12-31 חוט Eran Tromer

On 2006-01-01 00:18, Ram-on Agmon wrote:

 בדף הראשון יש הפניה לרשיון של גנו, ובנוסף לזה בקשה לתרומות עבור ויקיפדיה
 וקישור לאתר התרומות של ויקמדיה.

זה לא מבהיר כלל כי מקור המידע הוא ויקיפדיה, לא מעלים את הקישור המשפטי
השני אשר אוסר על הפצה, ולא משנה את העובדה ש-ואללה! מפרה את זכויות
היוצרים של התורמים לויקיפדיה מהבחינות הנוספות שפרטתי קודם.

 לי זה נראה סבבה מכל בחינה שהיא.

יפה, אם כך תוכל להעניק ל-ואללה! רשות להתשתמש כרצונם בערכים אשר אתה
כתבת (לבדך).

 גם אם קיימת בעיה, המסלול הנכון להערכתי הוא לפנות אליהם ולא ללכת לבית
 המשפט. בתי משפט זו הדרך היקרה, הלא יעילה והמעיקה שאפשר להעלות על הדעת.

כמובן, אבל פנייה כזו צריכה להבהיר שיש מאחוריה אנשים אמיתיים המחזיקים
בזכויות יוצרים רלוונטיות.

 אני חושב שאם יש בעיה (שלא הצלחתי לשים לב אליה) הרי היא נוצרה בשגג בתום לב.

כן, כולנו מדי פעם מעתיקים שלושים אלף ערכים אנציקלופדיים ושוכחים לתת
קרדיט. לא נורא, קורה.


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