[OFFTOPIC] Re: How to convert visual Hebrew to unicode

2008-03-06 חוט Omer Zak
The following question is offtopic for this mailing list. You may want to use the Linux-IL or Hackers-IL mailing lists for this kind of questions. I suggest that you write custom script which does the following: 1. Split the lines in the HTML file, so that tags will appear in their own lines. 2. A

How to convert visual Hebrew to unicode

2008-03-06 חוט Alexander (Sasha) Sirotkin
Guys, I have some rather old HTML files in Visual Hebrew (ISO-8859-8, not ISO-8859-8-I). Is there any way to convert them to some format that is supported by todays editors (so that I could change the content a bit), preferrably UTF-8 ? I iconv and uconv (from ICU package) with no luck... Thanks