I suggest that you contacted the Benyehuda project regarding software, thay
have been designing and paying for the development of Hebrew-oriented FOSS
for the Ben-Yehuda project, in view of other Hebrew projects in need, since
the pgdp did not work well for them.

On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 1:51 PM, E L <nak...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I want to put online a distributed proofreading/gutenberg like project.
> For that I need help with finding hosting (php/mysql based) and people who
> knows
> php and can help in fixing up the existing unicode/bidi support. The main
> code
> can be found on http://sourceforge.net/projects/dproofreaders/ there is
> also a unicode
> patched version based on old code, but it's probably better to use the new
> one.
> Any other sort of help is also welcome.
> Ely
> P.S
> For all those who are going to ask no it's not the same as wikibooks or
> the ben-yeuda project.
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