ich habe für das Programm sxiv (Bildbetrachter) die Datei config.h modifiziert (hjkl → lhkj, HJKL → LHKJ).
Im Anhang der Patch (config.h wird von make config.h erstellt).
Vielleicht kann man das auf die neo2-Homepage tun? Wenn ich das darf, mache ich das auch gerne selbst.
Ich hätte übrigens auch noch neo2-Anpassungen für andere Programme anzubieten. Ich fände es gut,
wenn es auf der neo2-Homepage auch eine Seite für Programmanpassungen gibt.
Liebe Grüße
--- config.def.h	2022-12-12 15:13:02.269234941 +0100
+++ config.h	2022-12-12 15:21:43.144129807 +0100
@@ -68,13 +68,13 @@ static const keymap_t keys[] = {
 	{ 0,            XK_G,             g_n_or_last,          None },
 	{ 0,            XK_r,             g_reload_image,       None },
 	{ 0,            XK_D,             g_remove_image,       None },
-	{ ControlMask,  XK_h,             g_scroll_screen,      DIR_LEFT },
+	{ ControlMask,  XK_l,             g_scroll_screen,      DIR_LEFT },
 	{ ControlMask,  XK_Left,          g_scroll_screen,      DIR_LEFT },
-	{ ControlMask,  XK_j,             g_scroll_screen,      DIR_DOWN },
+	{ ControlMask,  XK_h,             g_scroll_screen,      DIR_DOWN },
 	{ ControlMask,  XK_Down,          g_scroll_screen,      DIR_DOWN },
 	{ ControlMask,  XK_k,             g_scroll_screen,      DIR_UP },
 	{ ControlMask,  XK_Up,            g_scroll_screen,      DIR_UP },
-	{ ControlMask,  XK_l,             g_scroll_screen,      DIR_RIGHT },
+	{ ControlMask,  XK_j,             g_scroll_screen,      DIR_RIGHT },
 	{ ControlMask,  XK_Right,         g_scroll_screen,      DIR_RIGHT },
 	{ 0,            XK_plus,          g_zoom,               +1 },
 	{ 0,            XK_KP_Add,        g_zoom,               +1 },
@@ -90,13 +90,13 @@ static const keymap_t keys[] = {
 	{ 0,            XK_braceright,    g_change_gamma,       +1 },
 	{ ControlMask,  XK_g,             g_change_gamma,        0 },

-	{ 0,            XK_h,             t_move_sel,           DIR_LEFT },
+	{ 0,            XK_l,             t_move_sel,           DIR_LEFT },
 	{ 0,            XK_Left,          t_move_sel,           DIR_LEFT },
-	{ 0,            XK_j,             t_move_sel,           DIR_DOWN },
+	{ 0,            XK_h,             t_move_sel,           DIR_DOWN },
 	{ 0,            XK_Down,          t_move_sel,           DIR_DOWN },
 	{ 0,            XK_k,             t_move_sel,           DIR_UP },
 	{ 0,            XK_Up,            t_move_sel,           DIR_UP },
-	{ 0,            XK_l,             t_move_sel,           DIR_RIGHT },
+	{ 0,            XK_j,             t_move_sel,           DIR_RIGHT },
 	{ 0,            XK_Right,         t_move_sel,           DIR_RIGHT },
 	{ 0,            XK_R,             t_reload_all,         None },

@@ -112,18 +112,18 @@ static const keymap_t keys[] = {
 	{ ControlMask,  XK_n,             i_navigate_frame,     +1 },
 	{ ControlMask,  XK_p,             i_navigate_frame,     -1 },
 	{ ControlMask,  XK_space,         i_toggle_animation,   None },
-	{ 0,            XK_h,             i_scroll,             DIR_LEFT },
+	{ 0,            XK_l,             i_scroll,             DIR_LEFT },
 	{ 0,            XK_Left,          i_scroll,             DIR_LEFT },
-	{ 0,            XK_j,             i_scroll,             DIR_DOWN },
+	{ 0,            XK_h,             i_scroll,             DIR_DOWN },
 	{ 0,            XK_Down,          i_scroll,             DIR_DOWN },
 	{ 0,            XK_k,             i_scroll,             DIR_UP },
 	{ 0,            XK_Up,            i_scroll,             DIR_UP },
-	{ 0,            XK_l,             i_scroll,             DIR_RIGHT },
+	{ 0,            XK_j,             i_scroll,             DIR_RIGHT },
 	{ 0,            XK_Right,         i_scroll,             DIR_RIGHT },
-	{ 0,            XK_H,             i_scroll_to_edge,     DIR_LEFT },
-	{ 0,            XK_J,             i_scroll_to_edge,     DIR_DOWN },
+	{ 0,            XK_L,             i_scroll_to_edge,     DIR_LEFT },
+	{ 0,            XK_H,             i_scroll_to_edge,     DIR_DOWN },
 	{ 0,            XK_K,             i_scroll_to_edge,     DIR_UP },
-	{ 0,            XK_L,             i_scroll_to_edge,     DIR_RIGHT },
+	{ 0,            XK_J,             i_scroll_to_edge,     DIR_RIGHT },
 	{ 0,            XK_equal,         i_set_zoom,           100 },
 	{ 0,            XK_w,             i_fit_to_win,         SCALE_DOWN },
 	{ 0,            XK_W,             i_fit_to_win,         SCALE_FIT },
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