At 12:28 AM 8/19/2009 -0400, Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:
What goes in the "..." is pretty important. For one thing, I don't quite understand the implications of this approach.

Basically, anything required in the '...' will be downloaded (and built if necessary) then dropped into the directory as an .egg file or directory, unless of course a suitable version of that dependency is already on sys.path (or was already downloaded during a previous run). They will not necessarily be included at install time, but will be available during the remainder of the execution.

It occurs to me that there is some possibility that if a given library is both a build-time and install-time dependency, that it might not be installed correctly in the case of a " install" (as opposed to an "easy_install whatever") use case. (But if so, then it's an existing bug in setuptools that should be fixed anyway, and is not specific to this way of invoking a build-time dependency.)

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