On 11-Oct-16 14:09, Karen Etheridge wrote:
> If I'm understanding correctly, you need to declare a prereq on an
> external library -- check out [CheckLib] for that, which inserts code
> into your Makefile.PL that calls Devel::CheckLib.
> For OS-specific prereqs, you can use [OSPrereqs]; if you need to do
> something fancy or with custom code, [DynamicPrereqs] can make that easy.
> And if none of these provide the level of nuance that you need, you
> can fall back to [MakeMaker::Awesome], which lets you customize
> Makefile.PL in even more custom ways.
> good luck! feel free to follow up with more questions, or hit me up on
> irc.perl.org <http://irc.perl.org> #distzilla.

Thanks - helpful as usual!  I think I'm almost there.  Still some questions.

FYI: Small divot (things build OK after the usual dozen dependencies...):
> cpan install Dist::Zilla::Plugin::{DynamicPrereqs,CheckLib,OSPrereqs}
> ...
> CPAN: Module::CoreList loaded ok (v2.54)
> Configuring E/ET/ETHER/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-DynamicPrereqs-0.032.tar.gz
> with Makefile.PL
> Dist::Zilla already exists in PREREQ_PM -- need to do a sane
> metamerge! at Makefile.PL line 140.
> Dist::Zilla already exists in FallbackPrereqs -- need to do a sane
> metamerge! at Makefile.PL line 144.
> Checking if your kit is complete...

After following your pointers, it sounds as though [DynamicPrereqs] is
closest to what I need.

Unfortunately, I can't use CheckLib due to the bizarre packaging of
OpenSSL.  Plus, the OpenSSL dependency belongs to the modules I depend
on/call; I can't become their nanny.

I need do something on the order of
|   my $ok = eval {||
||    ||require Crypt::OpenSSL::DSA;||
||    my $key = Crypt::OpenSSL::DSA->read_pub_key_str( <<'_long_mess_' )
or die "Can't read public key";
||||    $ok = $key->verify( pack('H*', "Another long mess"), pack('H*',
"Still more mess") ) or
         die "Can't verify";||
||   };||
   if( $@ || !$ok ) {
     printf STDERR "You probably need to upgrade OpenSSL\n";
     printf STDERR " - $@" if( $@ );
||     <tell CPAN_Testing "Insufficient Environment & rate 'NA'"> # <<
What goes here?
I gather I can put this in a file, then in dist.ini:
|[Prereqs / ConfigureRequires]
 Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA = 0
 |||Crypt::OpenSSL::DSA = 0
 |CryptX = 0.44
||-raw_from_file = myfile.pl||
Perhaps these are obvious, but I'm neither a MakeMaker nor a CPANTS
person, and testing by releasing to cpan is expensive (and slightly

  * What's the proper magic at "# << "?
      o  die?
      o exit non-zero?
      o Unlink Makefile and exit 0? (Is this portable?)
      o Call some function that's provided in the Makefile?
  * You set 'dynamic_config', which implies that installers don't know
    enough to load my dependencies.
    In this case, actually they do.  I'm not adding a prereq, just
    applying a more stringent test to the environment.

    So can/should I delete $WriteMakefileArgs{dynamic_config} & delete
    Or should there be a "not_really_dynamic = 1" for your plugin :-)

I appreciate your patience...

On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 10:57 AM, tlhackque via Dist::Zilla
<mailto:distzilla+re...@lists.codesimply.com>> wrote:
>     I have encountered a situation where my module depends on another
>     module, which depends on a system library (OpenSSL) being at a
>     reasonably current version.
>     Failure to be at a reasonably current version still allows my
>     dependency
>     to install/be satisfied.  But my tests (correctly) fail.  This gets
>     counted against me on CPAN's automated testers, which I don't like :-(
>     I'd be OK if CPAN testers rated those out-of-date systems "NA" rather
>     than fail.
>     The advice I've gotten is to come up with a test and abort the
>     Makefile.PL
>     But I don't write the Makefile.PL; Dist::Zilla does.
>     I can write a test as a stand-alone script, or simply a Perl function.
>       For the sake of an example:
>          sub someComplexFunction { return int(rand(4)) == 2; }
>         $^O ne 'MacOS' && someComplexFunction() or ( printf STDERR
>     ("Environment requires..."), return/exit/die... );
>     My question:  How do I get Dist::Zilla to introduce code to run my
>     test,
>     and how should it exit to tell CPANTS to rate NA?
>     I presume I need to include the test's dependencies with something
>     like:
>     [Prereqs / ConfigureRequires]
>      Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA = 0
>      CryptX = 0.44
>     But how do I package the code?  In the simplest way?
>     My dist.ini's relevant sections are:
>     [MetaConfig]
>     [MetaProvides::Package]
>     [MinimumPerl]
>     perl = 5.008008
>     [MetaYAML]
>     [MetaJSON]
>     [MakeMaker]
>     static_attribution = 1
>     [AutoPrereqs]
>     [Prereqs]
>      ...
>     [Prereqs / DevelopRequires]
>     Sort::Versions = 1.62
>     Pod::Readme = 1.1.2
>     [Test::ReportPrereqs]
>     Many thanks!

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