Hello OSMers who are interested in diversity. Yous may be interested in this 
OSMF policy decision from me


----- Original message -----
From: Amanda McCann <amanda.mcc...@osmfoundation.org>
To: OSM Talk <t...@openstreetmap.org>
Subject: Should OSMF adopt a policy about State of the Map conference in places 
that are LGBTQ*/etc unsafe?
Date: Thursday, 7 October 2021 21:23

Hello OSM friends,

So here's an idea... I've previously complained when an organisation holds an 
event in a place where it's “illegal to be gay” and claim that the event is a 
“safe space”. Since I'm on the OSMF Board, I would be wrong for me to continue 
to complain about other organisations and not try to suggest such a policy for 
the OSMF.

The OSMF grants a trademark licence (for the “State of the Map” trademark which 
the OSMF legally owns) to regional event conferences, and legally, the OSMF 
runs the annual State of the Map conference.

There are several different wordings of this policy possible. My initial idea 
of a policy is: “you can't have a SotM for [REGION] in a venue if same-sex 
sexual activity is illegal (& that's being enforced) there, *and* there is a 
place in [REGION] where that is legal (or illegal & not enforced)”. This covers 
bi/pan/queer/etc people.

I can't easily think of a simple rule for trans/gender identity issues that's 
as clear cut for the very basic level (e.g. many countries have required gender 
segregated toilets for a long time and the laws requiring ”birth sex” are new 
and uncommon, legal gender recognition might not be so relevant for a visitor, 
etc) so I'll stick to this for now. I am OK with “State of the Map [COUNTRY]” 
happening in a country where it's illegal everywhere. My goal is to prevent 
anyone having a *legal downgrade* with “State of the Map”.

Many in OSM have spent a long time improving things for minoritized groups, and 
maybe this is just another step in that process. I am only mentioning “illegal 
to be gay” because it's a simple, clear standard. I think it could be 
benefitial to include other standards too (e.g. I believe some countries forbid 
women from driving). I am focussing on LGBTQ+ issues because that affects me 
personally, and I know a lot about it. I encourage other minoritized people to 
speak up if they want.

So what do yous, the wider OSM(F) community think about the OSMF adopting this 
policy (or something like it, or not adopting anything new policy)?

(P.S.: I recently changed my name and forgot to subscribe to talk@ with this 
email address)

A. McCann
OpenStreetMap Foundation

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