Hi all,

I recently suggest a patch for LGBTQ* presets in iD[1] and it was
released! It wasn't too hard to do (kudos to the iD devs for making it
very easy to test locally). And it seem to be used lots now.[2]

So what's next? What can we add next? 🙂

I'm happy to mentor anyone who'd like to improve iD in this way. I've
been a software dev for years, so I know my way around a github pull
request, but not everyone is experienced like that. So I can help you
with that, if you'd like. 🙂 If there's a really simple feature, I can
probably just do it for you if you tell me what's involved, and help
spec it out. Anyone else with software dev/OSM experience want to help

Feel free to reply publicly, privately or whatever.


[1] https://github.com/openstreetmap/iD/pull/5940
[2] enter “lgbtq” into this page https://taghistory.raifer.tech/

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