...in the meantime. I've created a proof of concept repo 
(https://github.com/benzkji/djangocms-untranslated-placeholders), that uses 
the code from my pull request. some things I learned/discovered:

   - it works already quite well
   - untranslated plugins are still added with a language_code. this would 
   not be a problem, but...
   - when it comes to publishing, a page with untranslated plugins can only 
   be published in the language the plugin was initially added (state/dirty 

I don't see any other issues for now, but would be glad if some of you core 
devs could have a look at it - I remember a short discussion with ojii a 
few years ago, where he said it would be easy and a 10min job ;-)

thanks for your time

On Friday, 25 November 2016 08:21:37 UTC+1, benzkji wrote:
> Hi there
> I started working on "untranslated placeholder". 
> https://github.com/divio/django-cms/pull/5675
> Quoting myself: This is a proposal, how a "untranslated" setting could be 
> added to the placeholder config. untranslated placeholders would just 
> ignore the language field on plugins, and always show all plugins. Typical 
> use cases: Header images, and other "non language specific content". I'm 
> aware that almost the same can be achieved with language_fallbacks, but IMO 
> it's worth it, as it makes the UI more clean for those use cases. Differences 
> to language fallbacks: Fallbacks need to be defined, untranslated just is 
> untranslated. Also, fallback plugins are not shown in edit mode (so one 
> could add a plugin, and no more fallback would be needed), wereas 
> untranslated plugins are visible in any language, also in edit mode.
> I can see Paulos point on complexity, as every feature you add will add 
> complexity. Concerning the performance hit though, I'm not yet sure which 
> way this would go. Sure, if you only have translated placeholders, and no 
> fallbacks, this will be +1 query on every page hit for getting untranslated 
> plugins. But. If you have at least one fallback placeholder, things will go 
> the other way quickly - depending how many fallbacks there are, there will 
> be more querys. amount_of_fallbacks * amout_of_fallback_placeholders, in 
> the worst case, as far as I can see. Compared to only one more query, when 
> using untranslated mode.
> The argument that it can be done with fallbacks is valid. But I had to 
> explain to customers "you need to change to the main language, to edit the 
> header image" when using fallbacks for header images (fallbacks are not 
> considered in edit mode, as one would expect), so this could be much more 
> cleaner, from an end user view.
> As written in the PR, I'm not really aware what more would be needed to 
> change to make this fully functional...
> Cheers
> Ben

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