Hello Jacob,

To expand a bit on my answer.

My definition of a non-documentation bug is something that impairs the 
functioning of a component in the software.

The reported issue does not fit this criteria as the software itself 
continues to function correctly regardless of the name of the class.
That is not to say this or code quality in general is not important, we are 
actually making a lot of changes towards improving code quality and it has 
been the focus
of a lot of sprints this year.

As maintainers though, we have to prioritize certain issues over others and 
to make this easier on us we decided to use Github 
only to keep track of bugs (as per the definition above) and the developers 
group to discuss other enhancements (code or functionality) that can be made
which don't present an impairment to the functioning of the software.

In regards to the naming, I propose to remove the cms.toolbar.toolbar.
CMSToolbar class and move all its logic to cms.cms_toolbars

On Monday, December 12, 2016 at 6:19:51 PM UTC-5, Jacob Rief wrote:
> In version 3.4 the lemma CMSToolbar is used twice.
> Once in cms.toolbar_base.CMSToolbar and once in 
> cms.toolbar.toolbar.CMSToolbar.
> For external programmers it is very confusing, if the same lemma is used 
> for different classes. Please choose a different name.
> This bug was already issued on GitHub 
> <https://github.com/divio/django-cms/issues/5796> but closed without 
> being fixed.
> I strongly disagree that bad and confusing naming shall not be considered 
> a bug. Code is not only written for machines, 
> and bad naming can be a major issue, specially in weak typed languages, 
> such as Python.

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