I'm currently learning Django and making electronic grade book. I am 
completely stuck after trying everything, but still cannot solve the 
problem. I will explain in detail and post all the relevant code below.

I need to have two url pages "class_students" and "teacher_current". The 
first page is for the teacher to see the list of students of a certain 
class. The table on this page has "action" column. In every cell of this 
column there is View button, so that the teacher could be redirected to 
"teacher_current" page and see the list of current tasks, given to a 
certain student. On this page there is a "Mark" column, its cells may 
contain EITHER mark given to this student with link to another page to 
update or delete this mark OR "Add mark" link to add mark on another page.

Here comes the problem: everything works correctly, except the thing that 
each mark is related to a Task class via Foreign key and NOT to a Student 
class. So every student of the same class has the same marks for the same 
tasks. But it certainly won't do. Here is all my relevant code: 1) views.py 
models.py urls.py: https://www.codepile.net/pile/qkLKxx6g 2) 
"class_students" page template: https://www.codepile.net/pile/kpw2k6ay 3) 
"teacher_current" page template https://www.codepile.net/pile/yaQq50aZ 4) 
add_mark.html https://www.codepile.net/pile/G6dGZbr3 5) mark_update.html 

What I tried: Firstly I thought I could just check, if each mark related to 
the student, but not the task, so I changed my teacher_student_current.html 
like this:
 {% if task.mark_set.get and task.mark_set.get.student_id == student %}
<a href="{% url 'mark_update' pk=task.mark_set.get.id %}">{{ 
task.mark_set.get }}</a> 
 {% else %} 
 <a href="{% url 'mark_add' pk=student.id rel_task=task.id %}">Add mark</a>
{% endif %}

Adding different marks for the same tasks to different students of the same 
class works, however their reflection in the table doesn't work.

I also tried changing many things in the template but frequently got an 
error get() returned more than one Mark -- it returned number! Certainly, 
as mark is related to a task and not a student any attempts to get mark 
from a student were a failure.

Afterwards, I tried filtering in views.py with filter and even Q loookups, 
for instance:
def teacher_student_current(request, pk):
    student = Student.objects.get(pk=pk)
    tasks_queryset =           
    current_date = datetime.datetime.now()
    if "btnform1" in request.POST:
        return redirect("/school/student/all/")
    context = {
        "student": student,
        "current_date": current_date,
        "tasks_queryset": tasks_queryset,
    return render(request, "teacher_student_current.html", context)

def teacher_student_current(request, pk):
    student = Student.objects.get(pk=pk)
    tasks_queryset = Task.objects.filter( Q(mark__student_id=None) |   
   Q(mark__student_id=student) ).order_by('end_date')[:10]
    current_date = datetime.datetime.now()
    if "btnform1" in request.POST:
        return redirect("/school/student/all/")
    context = {
        "student": student,
        "current_date": current_date,
        "tasks_queryset": tasks_queryset,
    return render(request, "teacher_student_current.html", context)

But nothing helps, because, even if filtration works creating given mark to 
a certain task is already assigned only to one student of this class. And 
there is not even such task for another student. I am sure I miss the logic 
and don't know how to tackle at all. I will be glad for your help, even if 
you just advise me what to google.

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