
I saw some efforts to make django apps reusable[1] but nothing really
complete and documented.

I've released DjangoPluggableApp so:

- developers can easily create and distribute a setuptools ready
application with a simple command[2]

- end users can install and configure an application without having to
read a bunch of docs and editing settings parameters and urls[3]

DjangoPluggableApp is not intrusive. This mean that:

- end users can use applications that not have a DjangoPluggableApp
entry_point in their projects
- an application based on the provided template can be used by end
users without DjangoPluggableApp installed.

DjangoPluggableApp is well tested. This mean that:

- the package itself is tested
- the application template is tested.

The work still in progress but it's already stable and usable.

Hope you'll enjoy it.



[1] http://code.google.com/p/django-app-plugins/ -
[2] http://packages.python.org/DjangoPluggableApp/pluggableapp.html
[3] http://packages.python.org/DjangoPluggableApp/enduser.html

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