Re: accessing user info in templates

2006-02-20 Thread Maniac
char wrote: >{% for user in object_list %} > {{ user.user.first_name >}} >{% endfor %} > > Use "user.get_user" instead of "user.user". This is the same method that you use in your __repr__ just without parentheses (they aren't needed in the template syntax).

Re: DirectorySlash directive in apache?

2006-02-18 Thread Maniac
Nicholas Matsakis wrote: >I'm trying to get apache 2.2 to not rewrite my Django urls with a trailing >slash using the "DirectorySlash Off" directive, but it seems to be >ignoring it. > This is not Apache that does it since for Apache Django URLs are not directories. This is Django itself:

Re: Simple Import Module Question

2006-02-16 Thread Maniac
Siah wrote: >When I try to import from my python console using >the following command, it works just fine: > >from myproject.utility.utilityfunctions import * > >However, once I place this good looking import command inside my >myproject/apps/polls/models/ it gives me

Re: two object returned for exact pk lookup

2006-02-15 Thread Maniac
Amit Upadhyay wrote: On 2/15/06, *Maniac* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote: It may be threading... What http server and what database you use? If http is Apache does it use threaded worker? Threading? Thats surprizing, I am using apache

Re: two object returned for exact pk lookup

2006-02-15 Thread Maniac
Amit Upadhyay wrote: How can I get more than one Blog when I am specifying pk. This happens just once, while that page is accessed more than hundreads of times everyday, I am getting a clean output when I do it on python prompt: >>> from django.models.blogger import * >>>

Re: Templating Pitfalls?

2006-02-15 Thread Maniac
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I was wondering, in response to more complex templating setups. If as a user, you wanted to subclass a parent template, but the parent template needs to dynamically generate content given a data source. An example could be a calendar of events that you want displayed

Re: admin on "/" unable to find media

2006-02-15 Thread Maniac
Kenneth Gonsalves wrote: I tried location as "/" and admin mounted as: admin comes up - but css is not found. On looking at the page source of both it gives: "/media/css/base.css/" in both examples, but in the second example i get a 404 in the logs saying css not

Re: admin on "/" unable to find media

2006-02-15 Thread Maniac
limodou wrote: If you are using the lastest svn, why your output is not the same as me? Because 0.92 is a magic-removal branch, not the trunk which 'latest svn' is.

Re: Multiple checkboxes

2006-02-03 Thread Maniac
Maniac wrote: Give them all the same name but different value. Then when you submit a form browser will send values of checked checkboxes and then in a view you can do request.POST.getlist('myfield') A typo: I meant 'myfield' and 'array' to be the same name but messed them up

Re: FileField :: mx file size

2006-01-30 Thread Maniac
Waylan Limberg wrote: I envision a simple script that intercepts the upload submit, checks the actual file size against the specified limit (perhaps in a hidden field or hard coded in script or even via an ajax request (but why?)) and either returns an error message or submits the upload. No,

Re: editable in fields

2006-01-30 Thread Maniac
Tim TerlegÄrd wrote: To get a non-editable field you can do field = meta.CharField(editable = False). This is meant for hiding the field, right? Not to make it readonly in code? It means (as far as I know) that default manipulators will skip it and won't complain about their invalidity. So

Re: FileField :: mx file size

2006-01-30 Thread Maniac
Amit Upadhyay wrote: No time for investigating it right now, but existence of those projects imply its doable, even if its a hack, atleast on some servers. Hm... Yes, they do it with some patched FCGI code.

Re: FileField :: mx file size

2006-01-30 Thread Maniac
Amit Upadhyay wrote: It would be good to have a general django wide setting specifying the maximum length allowed for POST data, if underlying server allowed it. Django just doesn't control these things. Read my answer in this very thread, it's http-server and browser that don't let it

Re: FileField :: mx file size

2006-01-30 Thread Maniac
Adrian Holovaty wrote: def isSmallFile(self, field_data, all_data): if len(field_data["content"] > 1: # 10,000 bytes raise validators.ValidationError, "Please enter a smaller file." The trick here is to operate on field_data['content'] instead of field_data.

Re: Streaming large responses

2006-01-24 Thread Maniac
hugo wrote: It's not required to use chunked transfer, but to know the full size before sending the content, you will have to generate the full content. Sure, if it is some big static thing, you can just ask the filesystem, but if the large stuff is created dynamically, you can't "just set

Re: Mixing prefixes in one urlconf

2006-01-21 Thread Maniac
Julio Nobrega wrote: Just add (concatenate? append?) another urlpatterns: urlpatterns = patterns('project.apps.some_app.views', (r'^some_url/$', 'index'), ) urlpatterns += patterns('project.apps.another_app.views', (r'^another_url/$', 'index'), ) Thanks! I was actually thinking of this

Mixing prefixes in one urlconf

2006-01-21 Thread Maniac
Hi, everyone! I have an urlconf file in my app with a convinient prefix to my view functions: urlpatterns = patterns('project.apps.app_name.views', (r'$', 'index', None), ... ) Now I want to use generic views in the same app and the prefix to my views gets in the way being added before

Re: Preserving data through db updates/changes

2006-01-18 Thread Maniac
Luke Skibinski Holt wrote: I'm just looking for a quick way to update my models in the development stage while keeping test data. I once wrote how I do it:

Re: Passing template tags template variables

2006-01-14 Thread Maniac
Alice wrote: Is there a means to pass a template variable {{ user_id }} to a custom template tag, {% build_menu "user_id" %} ? In fact you can treat anything after your tag name as you like, it's just a string. But for such natural thing as treating it as a variable Django will help. For

Re: How are default values for fields used

2006-01-13 Thread Maniac
akaihola wrote: Actually, the manipulator doesn't even know about the default values of the model. Why that? If you just create AddManipulator and get its flatten_data you'll get default values of the model. Your example is based on hidden fields with default values. However, I've

Re: How are default values for fields used

2006-01-12 Thread Maniac
akaihola wrote: Ok, I'll take a look at the _pre_save() mechanism. By the way, isn't that one of the things changing in magic-removal branch? Yes, it goes away. Instead one would be able to override save() and do everything in it. I still wonder about the default values question though.

Re: How are default values for fields used

2006-01-12 Thread Maniac
akaihola wrote: So, if I'm not mistaken, the default values for a model's fields are not used when saving an object, They are used to prefill form elements in the Admin (don't know about custom forms though, never tried). So it's just a hint for the user. and I must create a custom

Re: Generic views and the User object

2005-12-29 Thread Maniac
Alice wrote: I'm trying to access the username of a journal post in a generic object_detail/list view like this: {{ object.poster.username }} however I'm not getting anything whatsoever ... my model is class Journal(meta.Model): poster = meta.ForeignKey(User, editable=False)

Re: list for list object

2005-12-25 Thread Maniac
patrick k wrote: question is: how do i get a milestone_list for every project and what is the best way to do this? {% for project in project_list %} {% for milestone in project.get_milestone_list %} {{ milestone }} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} In other words you can call object's

Re: Django ImageField don't work properly

2005-12-20 Thread Maniac
Batiste wrote: Request Method:POST Request URL: Exception Type: TypeError Exception Value: string indices must be integers Exception Location: /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Django-0.90-py2.4.egg/django/core/ in isValidImage, line 144 A

Re: Django logo

2005-12-14 Thread Maniac
Wilson Miner wrote: I haven't got around to posting those with guidelines, but I've attached a version you migth be able to use. Thanks, I'll keep it!

Re: Customize formfield class

2005-12-04 Thread Maniac
Eric Evenson wrote: This works, but I need to use a different css style for each field. By default they both would use class=vIntegerField. They also would have unique ids: "id_foot" and "id_bar". You can style them in a style section of your HTML of in separate CSS file referencing by

Django logo

2005-12-03 Thread Maniac
I'm writing a blog post about Django and want to use a logo as a decoration. There are number of nice badges on but they all have Django logo with some text. Neither of them seem to make sense for just an illustration. So I'd like to ask

Re: inserting multiple images EASILY

2005-11-30 Thread Maniac
Waylan Limberg wrote: I imagine that is why online photo services (flickr) offer client side apps for batch uploading etc. Another way is to accept zip archives with pictures as a single file. But it assumes rather educated users. I'm currently doing such a service myself and for internet

Re: Session

2005-11-26 Thread Maniac
PythonistL wrote: Hello David, Thank you for your reply. I tried the demo but I think it has the same problem I described. I registered ( as La ) and was logged in( so far so good). But when I start another web browser window from and just open your address again,

Model updates in early development stages

2005-11-23 Thread Maniac
There is a thread in django-developers list talking about the way Django and Rails handle frequent changes to models on early stages of development ('prototyping' - to sound cool). Neither framwork does this transparently which is understandable because it's definitely hard and even arguably

Re: When will there be a Oracle Backend?

2005-11-22 Thread Maniac
Gwyn Evans wrote: This specific issue is covered in the patch, but just for reference, the 'gotcha' with rownum is that it's applied before any ORDER BY clause is applied I know :-). That's why I didn't use ORDER BY in my example :-). , so in most cases, it's not going to do what you want!

Re: Backwards-incompatible change in development version: Password change

2005-11-21 Thread Maniac
Afternoon wrote: One idiom which is common is to intepret an empty password field to mean "no change to password". On a similar note... It's also common thing to extract password change in a separate view. I beleive it complies more with user interaction model because changing some

Re: Uniqueness validation in custom manipulator

2005-11-13 Thread Maniac
Adrian Holovaty wrote: The automatic manipulators set validator_list automatically, to some automatic validation functions, but if you want to do things like checking for uniqueness, you'll have to write the validator function yourself. Understood... The idea was that declaring a field

Uniqueness validation in custom manipulator

2005-11-13 Thread Maniac
Hi! Automatic manipulators (ChangeManipulator, AddManipulator) have all these nice things like uniqueness validation for fields that was declared unique in a model. I'd like to use all this goodness in a custom manipulator. Is it possible?

Re: Important change: flatpages and redirects refactored into standalone/optional apps

2005-11-11 Thread Maniac
Adrian Holovaty wrote: * The flatpages app: * The redirects app: Looks like there are no links to these docs from the documentation index

Re: templates for CSV

2005-11-11 Thread Maniac
stava wrote: in the template doco there's some mentioning of other formats than HTML, e.g. CSV and email. Has anyone tried to use the django template framework for producing CSV files or emails? Does anyone know how that could be done? It shouldn't be of any problem. Just make a template

Re: Django mod_python and pgsql

2005-11-09 Thread Maniac
Alice wrote: yup, using Ubuntu. Added a password, changed the line, reboot and it's still not working. Ah.. My mistake. You should change 'local' line not the 'host'... I actually changed both.

Re: Django mod_python and pgsql

2005-11-09 Thread Maniac
Alice wrote: I'm trying to get my project working under mod_python but I'm getting the error: OperationalError: FATAL: IDENT authentication failed for user "alice" Hi, Alice! I had this problem and solved it on my Ubuntu Linux. Can't speak for other Linuxes but Postgres from Ubuntu's

Re: mod_python error (help please)

2005-10-09 Thread Maniac
rapto wrote: It might be a security problem. Probably Apache is set not to follow symlinks It's not Apache's thing. It's Python that searchs for Django modules and can't find them. It might be just incorrectly created symlink. I also don't think it could pose any security risc since Python

Re: mod_python error (help please)

2005-10-08 Thread Maniac
Abe wrote: ImportError: No module named django Looks like your Python installation doesn't see Django. Read this guide: Near the end in 'Installing the development version' item 3 should help

Re: Site-wide User Authentication

2005-10-05 Thread Maniac
Andreas wrote: mentioned that I don't, I'm using a custom model. Is there a way to make a custom model available in all views and templates without explicitly passing it as a parameter every time? You could subclass django.core.extensions.DjangoContext and prefill it with your everpresent

Referencing MEDIA_URL from templates

2005-10-04 Thread Maniac
What's the recommended (if any) way to reference MEDIA_URL defined in settings file from templates? Admin site uses custom template tag for it. Is there anything similar for general usage in projects?

Re: composite keys - possible? desirable?

2005-10-01 Thread Maniac
Alice wrote: unique_together = (("driver", "restaurant"),) ... and I don't think this is a db-level solution .. At least in Postgres it is db-level. It produces something like this in table definition: CONSTRAINT polls_answers_driver_key UNIQUE (driver,restaurant) Don't know

Re: Validation of related objects

2005-09-28 Thread Maniac
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: What I want is to be able to check that exactly 4 ansers have been given and that only one of these 4 is listed as being correct Anyone got any ideas on where I might start with this kind of thing. I noticed validator lists for certain fields but wasn't sure that this

Re: Trouble updating an object

2005-09-26 Thread Maniac
Maniac wrote: 2. The second problem is that rendered from {{ form.paper_type }} always sets default "selected" to the empty value ('') even if the paper_type has an actual value. Why that? In admin interface for this model "selected" is set correctly

Trouble updating an object

2005-09-25 Thread Maniac
I'm fighting with what should be a very simple thing... I have a model with some foreign keys and some plain fields: class Picture(meta.Model): album=meta.ForeignKey(Aldum) # Reference to some parent album image=meta.ImageField(upload_to='',width_field='width',height_field='height')

Re: subject line - attn list admin

2005-09-19 Thread Maniac
Kenneth Gonsalves wrote: i could - but why should i? every other list i subscribe to puts a list name in [] - postgres lists, wxpython lists, linuxchix lists etc etc - so why not you? - (this is not an attempt to start any flame war, but i think it is common practice) Yes it's common but

Can't figure out file upload

2005-09-08 Thread Maniac
I can't figure out a very simple file upload. I have a simple model with one-to-many relation: class Dashboard(meta.Model): name=meta.CharField(maxlength=20) class Thumbnail(meta.Model): dashboard=meta.ForeignKey(Dashboard) image=meta.ImageField(upload_to='...') 1. First problem is that

Re: I'm having trouble creating models

2005-09-08 Thread Maniac
jocknerd wrote: Just updated Django to revision 632. Hadn't done anything with django in a couple of weeks. The model syntax has changed some time ago:

Re: multiple model files

2005-09-02 Thread Maniac
Adrian Holovaty wrote: " sql" shows SQL statements for the given model module. So if your models are split across multiple modules, you'll have to do each one at a time. Ah! That's why... The confusion is caused by saying in --help that 'sql' command requires

Re: iterative data model development

2005-09-01 Thread Maniac
Rachel Willmer wrote: Next question, I'm building up a data model iteratively e.g. write a bit of it, fix the errors caused by my lack of experience with Django, go back and write some more... Is there an easier way to do this than deleting the database each time so the right tables/columns

Re: Storing models in sessions

2005-08-31 Thread Maniac
Chris Ryland wrote: I'm still learning Django, but it seems like you'd have an easier time if you went with the general flow and simply used Django's ORM for everything, rather than trying to do something special for this case. This is what I'm trying to do. I use Django's model objects

Choices or lookup-tables

2005-08-26 Thread Maniac
Hi! I'm creating a model 'Print' with a field 'paper_type' that would contain a value from a paper types list. As I understand I can make it two different ways: 1. Create a PaperType table and refer to it from Print with a foreign key: class PaperType: name=meta.CharField(maxlength=20)

Re: SQL operators from 'init'

2005-08-22 Thread Maniac
Thank you Adrian and Jacob! Jacob Kaplan-Moss wrote: It's actually very simple; all the "init" does is execute the following commands: ... May be it worth documenting somewhere?

SQL operators from 'init'

2005-08-22 Thread Maniac
Hi! I've been struggling today with a problem. I've created Django's test site some time ago before anonymous sessions has been added to Django. Today I've 'svn update'd Django and when trying to access admin site got exception about abscent core_sessions table. In the end I could managed

Model updates

2005-08-17 Thread Maniac
I wonder how Django's object-relational mapping handles update to models? Let's say I want to replace one old field with two new fields. Can this be handled more or less automatically? Will I lose values from this one field, or whole table, or whole schema?

Re: Limiting database connections?

2005-08-12 Thread Maniac
Jacob Kaplan-Moss wrote: I just today ran across sqlrelay ( which looks *extremely* promising for this type of use. Does anyone have any experience with it, and is there any interest in me writing a sqlrelay backend? We did :-). We tried to squeze it

Lookup API for models: how it works?

2005-08-05 Thread Maniac
Hello! First, let me express obligatory excitement about Django. It's fantastic! When programming with Delphi I always dreamed about some tool that would generate classes representing DB tables in language syntax. For it be possible to write just 'poll.pub_date', not