Hi Rachel,

I can't help your problem but I'm curious after you said "it seems to
be working just fine" - how did you manage to make it work?
You just followed the site instructions and it works?

I got a problem here when i click "register" it will complain that
there's missing a parameter on register() and only one was given..
no idea how or where to fix that..

Can you sign in in your app with a gmail login/password as an openid
provider? or is it just with openid url?

Thanks in advance. I'm really looking forward to make this work.
Perhaps I will be able to assist you alter if I use this.

On Jan 22, 2:18 am, Rachel Willmer <rwill...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've just installed django-authopenidin a project, and it seems to be
> working just fine, apart from one minor issue.
> (The creator of django-authopenidisn't maintaining the project any
> more, and there isn't a mailing list, hence why I'm asking this
> question here rather than elsewhere.)
> So, as I say, it works fine except the user's login gets timed-out
> after a short while, and I'd like to keep people logged in unless they
> explicitly logged out. Anyone know how to do this? I can't see any
> reference to timeouts in the documentation.
> Actually, I'm not even sure whether this timeout is caused in
> django-authopenidor down at the core django level or elsewhere.
> Any pointers very welcome!
> Rachel

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