~km wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm a Python enthusiast and Django newbie. I'm trying to develop a
> website with an "Ask and Get an Answer"-Interface, with the goal to
> get a strong community; see http://stackoverflow.com to get an idea.
> For more information on stackoverflow.com see
> http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2008/09/what-was-stack-overflow-built-with/
> Following questions:
> 1) Is it possible to realize my idea with Django, managing the traffic
> load for 2.000+ user?

The project already exists and it's called CNPROG. it's developed by a 
chinese programmer. It's at an already pretty advanced stage of 
development, but it is lacking many features, an administrator 
interface, and it's quite riddled with bugs.

The code is rather well done, so you should not have trouble in 
understanding it. I actually used it to learn django tricks I did not 
know about.

For the scalability, don't know, but I guess you can optimize the rough 
spots once you see them.

> 2) How long *may* it take to realize the following? I know that's a
> very risky relative question, but assuming I'm a regular-skilled
> programmer willing to spend +5h a day.

A lot of time. SO is more than the visible Q/A site. there's a lot of 
care and a lot of stuff happening under the hood.

It's not a single man project.


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