
I'm very new to Django, and I'm sorry if the question is really dumb.

So I have a database model for a drivers (rally car driver), and I
have database model for the results. As you know a rally car team is
of two - a driver and co-driver. And so I have:
class EntryList(models.Model):
    the_driver = models.ForeignKey(Drivers)
    the_co_driver = models.ForeignKey(Drivers)
here is where I get the following error:
manage.py validate
Error: One or more models did not validate:
mysite.entrylist: Accessor for field 'the_driver' clashes with related
field 'Drivers.entrylist_set'. Add a related_name argument to the
definition for 'the_driver'.
mysite.entrylist: Accessor for field 'the_co_driver' clashes with
related field 'Drivers.entrylist_set'. Add a related_name argument to
the definition for 'the_co_driver'.

after commenting the_driver, or the_co_driver, the error is gone.
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