Production Box spec: mandrake 10.1.1,  python2.3,
libmysql15-5.0.1,   MySQL1.0,  Django 1.0.

can't get sessions to work. My site (and sessions) works on my
development box with a more or less current version of ubuntu, when I
copy over the project to the production box it does not work. I have
run "python syncdb" and the database is created correctly, I
have made sure the is correct, but Djangos debug page
states there is "No Cookie Data" when I navigate to the site.

I also tried installing latter versions of python, Django, MySQLdb,
mod_python and apache but same problem. It seems to be a problem with
Django or Python because the problem persists even when I run  "python runserver" and axis my site from there.

This means users can't login which renders the site useless. I can't
change production box unfortunately.

Any help would be appreciated.

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