Having great success with django_inlnes 
and am able to pass in and process custom arguments just fine. But
can't solve an issue I've hit: If an argument includes any kind of
punctuation marks, the inline template fails to render. For example,

{{ jwp /path/to/video.m4v poster=/path/to/image.png width=720
height=550 }}

The first path arg is handled fine, automatically. The second poster=
arg is a path and so includes slashes and a dot by necessity. But as
soon as a custom arg includes slashes or a dot, django_inlines bails.
Surrounding the arg in quotes also causes it to break. I'm processing
the arg like this:

def get_context(self):
    video_path = self.value
    poster = self.kwargs['poster']

Has anyone had success passing an arg to django_inlines that includes
punctuation marks? Thanks.

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