
I've written my own view to create / edit model instances my project,
and part of what I wanted to do was to accept dates only in the format
dd-mm-yyyy (%d-%m-%Y).

I searched around a bit and came accross this post:
Creating my own model field class seemed pretty extreme, but I quickly
worked out that I can do this much more simply by adding a line to my

class EventForm(ModelForm):
        start_date = forms.DateField(input_formats=['%d-%m-%Y'])

This changes the behaviour, and works fine for validating dates
written in non- US format.

My problem is that when I create an EventForm from a model instance
(for my 'edit' functionality) the date fields (rendered as html text
inputs) are populated in the standard %Y-%m-%d format. Submitting the
form as populated is therefore invalid, so I have to manually play
with the dates each time I edit an event.

How would I go about changing this behaviour? I understand that patch
1.1 might address this (by typing date format to locale), but I would
like to see if I can knock up a temporary solution.

Thanks in advance
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