On 9/01/2021 5:58 am, Héctor Alonso Lozada Echezuría wrote:
Best regards

I have a very simple warehouse model that is related to the contrib.auth.User model through the asigned_seller field
which should only allow those users with the seller role

class  PersonalWarehouse(ProductsMixin,  WarehouseBase):
     channel=  models.ForeignKey(
         verbose_name=_('Sales channel'),
     asigned_seller=  models.ForeignKey(
         verbose_name=_('Asigned seller'),
     is_close=  models.BooleanField(
         verbose_name=_('Is it close?'),
     created_at=  models.DateTimeField(
         verbose_name=_('Created at'),
     deadline=  models.DateField(
         default=date(now.year+  now.month//  12,  now.month%  12  +  1,  1)  - 

     class  Meta:
         verbose_name=  _('Personal warehouse')
         verbose_name_plural=  _('Personal warehouses')
         permissions=  [
             ('close_personal_warehouses',  'Can close warehouse')

     def  __str__(self):
         return  self.name

     def  __repr__(self):
         return  f'<PersonalWarehouse: {self.name <http://self.name>}>'

In my admin I have.

class  PersonalWarehouseAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
     change_form_template=  'change_form.html'

     exclude=  ('is_close',  )
     list_display=  ('name',  'asigned_seller',  'is_close',  'deadline',  )
     list_filter=  ('asigned_seller',  'is_close',  'created_at',  'deadline',  
     ordering=  ['-deadline']
     search_fields=  ['name']
     actions=  [close_personal_warehouses]

     def  formfield_for_foreignkey(self,  db_field,  request,  **kwargs):
         if  db_field.name==  'asigned_seller':
             kwargs['queryset']  =  User.objects.filter(groups__name='Seller')
             field=  super().formfield_for_foreignkey(
                 db_field,  request,  **kwargs)
             field.label_from_instance=  self.get_user_label
             return  field

         return  super().formfield_for_foreignkey(db_field,  request,  **kwargs)

     def  get_user_label(self,  user):
         return  user.get_full_name()

the problem exists when I add a new user from the warehouse template, it is added without any role and therefore appears listed

Perhaps you need to filter the queryset itself. Here is an example of one of mine ...

    def get_queryset(self, request):
        """ Limit the chemicals visible to just those owned by the company
        of which the user is an employee.
        company = get_user_company(request.user)
        qs = super().get_queryset(request)
        return qs.filter(chemical__company=company)

If you have a custom user, you can put the user into the correct group(s) on creation using


Otherwise, in formfield_for_foreignkey() you can insert a line which tests request.user for membership of "Seller" and if not, put the user into that group before checking if db_field.name == 'assigned_seller'



after refreshing the page I get only those users with the seller role


So how can I refresh the select widget so that only the users with the seller role appear after the ajax event?

Héctor Alonso Lozada Echezuría

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