No normally I can use something lie /foo/edit/35/ and I can edit the
record whose pk is 35. Now with this, I have a url pattern like
(r'^edit/(?P<ssf_id>\d+)/$', 'edit'), which points to def edit
(request, ssf_id): in my

For my formwizard, by overriding various methods I have successfully
made it so that I can edit an instance by using a view to capture the
above url pattern and instead of passing it to 'edit' I pass it to
'edit_wizard' which looks like this:
def edit_wizard(request, ssf_id):
        instance = get_object_or_404(SSF, pk=ssf_id)
        return EDIT_SSFWizard([SSF1, SSF2, SSF3])(request, instance=instance)

This works perfectly. However, there has been a request to have a
listing of the items that the user has already selected so they can
easily see what they have or maybe left off.

Normally I would use something like s=SSF.objects.filter(id=ssf_id)
using the variable from the url and then pass that as a context to the
template so I have my form instance as well as a context full of data.

So I keep putting ssf_id in various methods in my formwizard class to
only have error after error. Any ideas on how to pass this other
variable so I can use the variable to perform a query as below (line

def render_template(self, request, form, previous_fields, step,
max_step, context=None):
                context = context or {}
()--------------------------Look at this Line please
                return render_to_response(self.get_template(step), dict
            step=step + 1,
        ), context_instance=RequestContext(request))


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