I'm not quite sure what I'm doing wrong here.  Using the Sites
framework, I have a site defined in my database with ID = 2.  In the
manage.py shell, I can get the correct site by setting SITE_ID to '2'
or 2, and calling Site.objects.get(id=SITE_ID), but
Site.objects.get_current() always returns the default site with ID=1.

In my visionary.settings.py, I have the line:


I've also tried SITE_ID = '2'.

Either way current_site returns the site for SITE_ID = 1.  Back in the
shell, if I import visionary.settings.py, all my other settings
variables work fine, but SITE_ID always comes back as 1.  I assume I'm
somehow setting it incorrectly.  Any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong?

An excerpt from my settings.py:

# SITE_URL = ''
LOGIN_URL = '/visionary/accounts/login/'
LOGOUT_URL = '/visionary/accounts/logout/'
LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = '/visionary/game/'

An excerpt from my shell:

>>> from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
>>> import visionary.settings as s
>>> s
<module 'visionary.settings' from '/home/szaijan/dev/django/
>>> s.SITE_ID
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