
I just wrote the following to switch between ascending and descending
sort order in a table view:


columns = [ {'ABC' : u'abc'}, {'DEF' : u'def'}, {'GHI' : u'ghi'},
{'JKL' : u'jkl'} ]
for column in columns:
        for column_title in column:
                if column[column_title] == sort_order:
                        column[column_title] = u'-' + column[column_title]


{% for column in columns %}
        {% for column_title, sort_criteria in column.iteritems %}
                <th><a href="{% url project.app.views.list 
%}" target="_self">{{column_title}}</a></th>
        {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

By embedding the hashpairs in an array (to keep the column order), I
have to use a nested for loop in both the view and the template. I am
sure there is a more elegant way to do this - could anyone point me in
the right direction?

Kind regards,
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