
I have add some additionnal fields in a class "Utilisateur" to my Users using 
the classical method: a OneToOne relation field from Utilisateur to User  and 
the AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE in the setting.py

This is well working, and I want now manage my "Utilisateur" using a single 

I have try to use multi inheritance, but it don't work: 

class UserModelForm(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model= User        
class UtilisateurOnlyModelForm(DroitModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = Utilisateur 
        exclude = ('domaine','user')
class UtilisateurModelForm(UserModelForm,UtilisateurOnlyModelForm):

This a little bit boring because it will avoid me to rewrite some of my 
generic model view if I could have all the data I need in just one Form. Is it 
a simple way to do that ?


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