I have form on a search page  called SearchForm where the user selects
items to search.
The rest part creates a URI which appears as below from the selected items
to search.


I'm trying to write a classview in views.py to get the URI parameters, then
fashion a query to place those in an object_list for viewing in a search
results template.

class SearchResultsView(django.views.generic.ListView):
template_name = 'ephemera/searchresults.html'
model = Item  #my model class

def get_queryset(self, **kwargs):

form = SearchForm()
choose_collection = self.request.GET.get('choose_collection')
user_input = self.request.GET.get('user_input')
choose_item = self.request.GET.get('choose_item')

                object_list =
self.model.objects.filter(collection__icontains =
choose_collection).filter(choose_item__icontains = user_input)   #XXX

return object_list

I can't seem to figure out how to pass the choose_item get variable to the
filter.  Django complains cannot resolve keyword 'choose_item' into field.
The correct field is 'title' but I won't know that until the user selects
one of the choices from the form pull down menu.

The following query works fine directly on sqlite, but I can't seem to
figure out how to do it in the class view.

select * from ephemera_item where collection = 'MACMILLAN' AND title =
'Guitar Builder';

Could be my basic approach is bad too, because I'm only just starting out
with this.

Thank you for any advice.


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