I have a model with the following field:
class UseFor(models.Model):
         ('X', "Page 1"),
         ('Y', "Page 2"),
     use_for = models.CharField(max_length = 1, choices =  
TYPE_CHOICES, core = True, verbose_name='use for', help_text='Show on  
which pages?')

     photos = models.ForeignKey('Photo', edit_inline = models.TABULAR,  
num_in_admin = 5)

     class Meta:
         verbose_name = 'use for'
         verbose_name_plural = 'use for'
In the admin the use_for field shows up fine except for the help text  
(it's missing). If I change edit_inline to models.STACKED, the  
help_text does show.

Any way to show the help_text with the models.TABULAR layout?


I am running svn, revision: 7079 (updated today)

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