
I'm trying to learn django with the book "learning website development with 
django" but I'm stucked where importing module from my app :

- I have a project named django_bookmarks
- Inside I've created an app with the django-admin command : python 
manage.py startapp bookmarks
- so I've created some models and views
- but when I run : python manage.py shell and try "from bookmarks.models 
import *" the following errors appears : 
from bookmarks import * Traceback (most recent call last): File 
"<console>", line 1, in <module> ImportError: No module named bookmarks

- I've correctly set the installed_apps parameters in settings.py
- I'm using python 2.7.3
- There's an __init__.py file in the directory
- I checked The name of the directory, all is right.

Can anyone guide me on this ?



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