Check related object attribute in a view

2011-08-30 Thread gdebure
This is probably very simple, but I've been hitting walls ever since I

I have a model A that contains a link to another model B. B has an
"owner" attribute. This owner attribute is translated as a per object
permission using guardian.


class Service (models.Model):
 name = models.CharField(max_length=128, unique=True)
 owner = models.ForeignKey(User)

class Deliverable (models.Model):
 project = models.ForeignKey(Project)
 service = models.ForeignKey(Service)

I would like to allow editing Deliverable only if the current user is
allowed to change the corresponding Service. To that end, I tried to
subclass UpdateView:

class UpdateDeliverableView(UpdateView):

def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Check guardian permissions here
return super(ValidateServiceView, self).dispatch(*args,

in order to check guardian permissions, I need to access the Service
from this view. But I can't seem to find how to access the
Deliverable: self.get_object() does not work (complains that
UpdateDeliverableView has no 'kwargs') How am I supposed to do it ?

I also need the current user but self.request.user complains that self
has no 'request'

Does anyone have an hint as to how I could do that ?

Thanks in advance :)

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modelForm has no _default_manager

2011-08-19 Thread gdebure
Hi Everyone,

I've been discovering Django for a few weeks, and love it so far :)
However I am facing an issue with a modelForm. As I couldn't find my
answer through googling, I thought you might be able to help...

== context ==
I have an object (called "Domain") that has an "owner" attribute that
links to a user. using guardian (
guardian/), I would like to automatically setup a per object
permission on this Domain for its Owner

== code ==
Please see :

== error ==
Whenever I try to access the update page that should contain the Form,
I get the error:

type object 'DomainForm' has no attribute '_default_manager'

(Full traceback at

Please note that this does not seem to be the same as the
"AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute '_default_manager'" for
which I saw many things on google, but that do not seem to apply to my

Thanks a lot for any guidance you may provide :)


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