I have django running under apache+mod-wsgi with...

      WSGIScriptAlias /tools     /blah/blah/blah/tools.wsgi

so http:server/tools/thingy cranks up the thingy tool.  Because
mod_wsgi strips off the /tools part the urlpatterns just have to match
the tool name, i.e.

          (r'^thingy/',         include('tools.thingy.urls')),

All well and good.

Now I want to develop using the built in server, but it doesn't strip
off the /tools part.  I can get around this by adding more

            (r'^thingy/',                 include
('tools.thingy.urls')),   # For apache
            (r'^tools/thingy/',         include
('tools.thingy.urls')),   # For runserver

which is kludgy, and I'm not sure what is going to happen with the
reverse url mappings.

Is there someway to handle this situation gracefully.  The examples
for mod_wsgi all put the WSGIAlias at / so it doesn't come up.

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