Hey there,

I've been searching this group  for a working example of a complex
form using a ManyToMany relationship with an intermediary model.

I've read this documentation to know a bit more about the ManyToMany


I found these posts with a similar problem but wasn't able to make
their example work:



I also read about Formsets: 

here are my models: http://pastebin.com/f3524b188

Basically, I have Clients and Groups.
Clients can be part of multiple groups.
Clients that are part of a group can use its group's free rental rate
at anytime but only once. That is where the intermediary model comes
in with that extra data.

What I'm struggling with is saving that data using a form. here's the

The highlighted line is where it dies.

Please note that I'm not using the Admin interface. I don't want
someone to write the code for me here. I just want to know what's
wrong or what I'm forgetting in my code.

any hints people?


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