I'm trying to host 3 django projects in a single digitalocean droplet. 
Please see the httpd configuration below:

peardb.tabomics.cn and www.peardb.tabomics.cn are working. But 
doesn't work. 

I tried to ping 'www.biotldr.tabomics.cn'. Here is the result:
$ ping biotldr.tabomics.cn
PING biotldr.tabomics.cn ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from tabomics.cn ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.026 ms
64 bytes from tabomics.cn ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.056 ms
64 bytes from tabomics.cn ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.060 ms
--- biotldr.tabomics.cn ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2000ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.026/0.047/0.060/0.016 ms

Here is the error message I got from err_log:
Thu Feb 08 21:28:55.353854 2018] [core:error] [pid 2717] [client] Script timed out before returning headers: wsgi.py
[Thu Feb 08 21:28:59.546064 2018] [core:error] [pid 2716] [client] Script timed out before returning headers: wsgi.py
[Thu Feb 08 21:30:00.997135 2018] [core:error] [pid 2718] [client] Script timed out before returning headers: wsgi.py, 
referer: http://biotldr.tabomics.cn/

*Could someone tell me the possible reasons? Thanks in advance. *

######################## BioTLDR ##############################
#Listen 80

WSGISocketPrefix /mnt/volume-nyc1-02/project/BioTLDR/wsgi/wsgi
<VirtualHost *:80>
   ServerName www.biotldr.tabomics.cn
   ServerAlias biotldr.tabomics.cn www.biotldr.tk biotldr.tk
   ServerAdmin h...@biotldr.tk

   ErrorLog "logs/error_log_biotldr"
   #WSGISocketPrefix /mnt/volume-nyc1-02/project/BioTLDR/wsgi/wsgi
   Alias /static "/mnt/volume-nyc1-02/project/BioTLDR/static"

   <Directory "/mnt/volume-nyc1-02/project/BioTLDR/static">
       Require all granted

   <Directory "/mnt/volume-nyc1-02/project/BioTLDR/BioTLDR">
      <Files wsgi.py>
          Require all granted
   WSGIDaemonProcess BioTLDR 
   WSGIProcessGroup BioTLDR
   WSGIScriptAlias / /mnt/volume-nyc1-02/project/BioTLDR/BioTLDR/wsgi.py
   #WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}

WSGISocketPrefix /mnt/volume-nyc1-02/project/pearDB/wsgi/wsgi
<VirtualHost *:80>
   ServerName www.peardb.tabomics.cn
   ServerAlias peardb.tabomics.cn
   ServerAdmin serverad...@mydomain.org
   #ProxyPass / http://tabomics.tk:8008/
   #ProxyPassReverse / http://tabomics.tk:8008/
   Alias /static "/mnt/volume-nyc1-02/project/pearDB/static"
   <Directory "/mnt/volume-nyc1-02/project/pearDB/static">
       Require all granted

   <Directory "/mnt/volume-nyc1-02/project/pearDB/pearDB">
      <Files wsgi.py>
          Require all granted
   WSGIDaemonProcess pearDB 
  WSGIProcessGroup pearDB
  WSGIScriptAlias / /mnt/volume-nyc1-02/project/pearDB/pearDB/wsgi.py

#<VirtualHost *:80>
#   ServerName www.tabomics.cn
#   ServerAlias tabomics.cn
#   ErrorLog "logs/error_log_jbrowse"
   #CustomLog "logs/access_log_tabomics"

  ### The configure information below should be added.
  Alias /jbrowse "/mnt/volume-nyc1-02/project/pearDB/jbrowse-pearDB/"
  <Directory "/mnt/volume-nyc1-02/project/pearDB/jbrowse-pearDB/">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
    Require all granted

<VirtualHost *:80>
   ServerName www.tabomics.cn
   ServerAlias tabomics.cn
   ServerAdmin h...@tabomics.cn
   #ProxyPass / http://tabomics.tk:8008/
   #ProxyPassReverse / http://tabomics.tk:8008/
   ErrorLog "logs/error_log_tabomics"
   #CustomLog "logs/access_log_tabomics"
   Alias /static "/mnt/volume-nyc1-02/project/tabomics/static"
   <Directory "/mnt/volume-nyc1-02/project/tabomics/static">
       Require all granted

   <Directory "/mnt/volume-nyc1-02/project/tabomics/tabomics">
      <Files wsgi.py>
          Require all granted
   WSGIDaemonProcess tabomics 
  WSGIProcessGroup tabomics
  WSGIScriptAlias / /mnt/volume-nyc1-02/project/tabomics/tabomics/wsgi.py

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