DL 0.18 is now officially available for download at:


Changes since 0.18-rc2:

- Updated French translation by Daniel Berteaud
- Updated German translation by Clemens Egger
- Refreshed dl-wx (support for grants, rebuilt binary for SNI support)

dl 0.18: 2017-09-04

Major new features:

* Support for multiple file uploads in both tickets and grants. When multiple
  files are attached, a Zip archive is automatically created with the contents.
  The PHP "Zip" extension is now required.
* Grants are now reusable. With the new defaults, senders are no longer
  restricted to a single use/file per grant, but can keep reusing the same link
  as needed. The grant, just like a ticket, is then automatically expired when
  left unused for a certain amount of time.
* Tickets generated while using a grant are now split into a separated
  "Received files" page. The "All tickets" page reserved to administrators
  still shows all tickets combined and color-coded.
* A new Android client is now available: ``PokéDL``.


* The ticket and grant expiration parameters have been streamlined for common
  usage patterns, becoming mostly self-explanatory.
* When using a grant, the user can now attach a comment alongside the uploaded
  file/s. The comment is sent back to the grant owner in the notification.
* Tickets now show the generating grant ID in the edit/detailed view.
* The grant comment assigned during creation is now shown in both the tooltip
  of the grant list and in email notifications involving grant usage.
* Ticket/grant passwords were previously always included in notifications. The
  password sending policy can now be controlled at creation time, and defaults
  to sending the password only when automatically generated.
* The subject prefix in email notifications can now be customized.
* ``dl-wx`` now allows to generate grants.
* General ``dl-cli`` overhaul:

  - dl-cli now runs under both python 3 and python 2.7, preferring python 3
  - The password can be read from an external command using ``passcmd``
  - Public-key pinning is now supported through the ``fingerprint`` option
  - Multiple files can now be uploaded in a single ticket (for efficiency,
    dl-cli generates a Zip archive locally before uploading)
  - When generating a grant, the email address is now optional if available
    in the configuration file
  - The ConfigObj module is now required

Bug fixes:

* Tickets generated while using a grant were incorrectly calculating the expiry
  from the grant *creation* time, resulting in premature expiration. Ticket
  expiry is now calculated starting at actual *upload* time.
* Download of files larger than 2GB would previously fail when using DL with
  MySQL or Postgres. Fix by Daniel Berteaud.
* Ticket and grant invalid access or invalid password attempts are now logged.
* Left-clicking on the ``dl-wx`` tray's icon on Linux now works as expected.

Other changes:

* The minimum required PHP version has been raised to 5.5 or higher.
* Important PHP settings are now preset in the bundled ``htdocs/.htaccess``
  file for the Apache/mod_php combination.
* Simplified Chinese translation by Guangyu Dong.
* Russian translation by Олейник О.В.
* The Thunderbird add-on has been updated to support Thunderbird 52.
* The Windows ``dl-wx`` executable has been rebuilt with SNI support.

Please note: DL 0.18 requires a database schema update! Please read the
database upgrade procedure in the README!

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