Happy a new year to everyone !


[2] draft-liu-dmm-best-practices-gap-analysis-01 seems to be more faithful to 
the original motivations to DMM.


In addition, both of the two documents are worthwhile to consider in the future 
works on DMM.

Accordingly, it is suggested to use [2] 
draft-liu-dmm-best-practices-gap-analysis-01 as the base document, and 

to merge [1] draft-zuniga-dmm-gap-analysis-02 into [2] 
draft-liu-dmm-best-practices-gap-analysis-01 appropriately.





Seok-Joo Koh



Subject: Re: [DMM] Call for WG Adoption of a "current practices and gap 
analysis" document


On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 5:25 AM, Jouni Korhonen <jouni...@gmail.com> wrote:



We are unfortunately slipping our milestone, our (chairs) apologies for that. 
The next step is to select a "current practices and gap analysis" document to 
serve as the basis for the future WG document. We consider two documents on 
this topic to choose from:

[1] draft-zuniga-dmm-gap-analysis-02
[2] draft-liu-dmm-best-practices-gap-analysis-01

and we as a WG need to decide which one is going to form the _basis_ for the WG 

Please voice your preference either for [1] or for [2] on the mailing list. We 
would appreciate if you can also provide a one-liner justification for your 
selection. The chairs will determine if there is (rough) consensus from active 
WG participants to proceed with selecting one document against the other.

The call starts today 19th Dec 2012 and ends by 10th Jan 2013. We have a longer 
three week call now due the holiday season in between.

- Jouni & Julien
dmm mailing list



RSM Department, TELECOM Bretagne, France

Jong-Hyouk Lee, living somewhere between /dev/null and /dev/random


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