
The draft IETF agenda has been published, and it has DPRIVE with a Friday Morning slot for 2.5 hours. Now, Warren and I requested a 1.5 hour slot, but since there were more requests for slots, we can only assume they made the best of the situation. Please do take as a sign for an hour of speaking.

Also, if you have requests to speak please let your chairs now. The deadline for draft WG agendas is Sunday July 5th.

--- Begin Message ---
The IETF 93 preliminary agenda has been posted.  The final agenda will be 
published on Friday, June 26th, 2015.  

If you would like to request a change to the preliminary agenda, please send a 
message to and copy all relevant Area Directors.

Please note the cut-off date for requests to reschedule Working Group sessions 
and BOFs is Wednesday, June 24th, 2015 at UTC 23:59.

Thank you!

IETF Secretariat

--- End Message ---
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