The issue i have is that one of the fields in dnsmessage.proto is called "class" which when compiled brakes the Ruby library i'm using since it interprets the field name as object of type Class and it blows up.
I have raised issue with repo to try work around. 
Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2017 at 4:49 PM
From: "Remi Gacogne" <>
To: No recipient address
Subject: Re: [dnsdist] Only see question events being logged via protobuf, no response ?
Hi Scott,

On 06/01/2017 10:31 AM, scott McGillivray wrote:
> rl = newRemoteLogger('')
> addAction(AllRule(), RemoteLogAction(rl))
> addResponseAction(AllRule(), RemoteLogResponseAction(rl, nil, true))
> But i only seem to be getting question events, no response events.

This exact configuration works fine for me on master. How are you
testing exactly? Keep in mind that Response Actions are not executed on
a cache hit, you'll want to use addCacheHitResponseAction() for that.

> still trying to figure out where my protobuf is failing... can someone
> help by telling me how i can use DNSProtoBufMessage::toDebugString() to
> see the pretty printed event before it's serialized and sent ?

The only places where you have access to a DNSProtoBufMessage object are
the alteration functions passed to RemoteLogAction() and

function alterPB(dq, pb)

rl = newRemoteLogger('')
addAction(AllRule(), RemoteLogAction(rl, alterPB))
addResponseAction(AllRule(), RemoteLogResponseAction(rl, alterPB, true))

Best regards,
Remi Gacogne

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