Hi Brian,

On 9/4/19 6:48 PM, Brian Sullivan wrote:
> Works great! Thanks for putting this in 1.4!

Thanks for the feedback!

> There is one minor issue ... the documentation is incorrect. 
> minTLSVersion: str - Minimum version of the TLS protocol to support.
> Possible values are ‘tls-1.0’, ‘tls-1.1’, ‘tls-1.2’ and ‘tls-1.3’.
> The strings should not have the dash in them. 
>   static const std::map<LibsslTLSVersion, std::string> versions = {
>     { LibsslTLSVersion::TLS10, "tls1.0" },
>     { LibsslTLSVersion::TLS11, "tls1.1" },
>     { LibsslTLSVersion::TLS12, "tls1.2" },
>     { LibsslTLSVersion::TLS13, "tls1.3" }
>   };

Nice catch! It should be fixed once [1] has been merged.

[1]: https://github.com/PowerDNS/pdns/pull/8297

Best regards,
Remi Gacogne
PowerDNS.COM BV - https://www.powerdns.com/

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