I've got an Ubuntu 13.04 Linux PC connected to two networks:

* Internet connection
* Router providing a local network (Wi-Fi) with DNS serving local names (example.lan)

Via NetworkManager, dnsmasq is set up with the DNS server IP addresses for these two networks.

The PC is having trouble getting the local names in example.lan, because it seems dnsmasq is using the Internet connection DNS server for the example.lan query, and that is returning NXDOMAIN response. Rather than waiting for a better response from the local DNS server (which is local but responding more slowly due to being over Wi-Fi), it is just passing the NXDOMAIN response to the client. At least, I think that's what is happening; please tell me if I'm wrong.

What I'd hope for is for dnsmasq to not just use the first response it gets, but use the first response that's not NXDOMAIN. I think the Linux resolver (/etc/resolv.conf) does this, and it would be great if dnsmasq could use the same algorithm. Could dnsmasq support this algorithm?

Note--I suppose one response might be to specify the example.lan domain in one 'server' parameter of the dnsmasq config. Two problems:

1) dnsmasq is being used from NetworkManager, and it seems NetworkManager is only telling dnsmasq the DNS IP addresses (via D-Bus) to dnsmasq, and not telling it any domain names (even if I enter the example.lan in the NetworkManager "extra search domain" config).

2) The router providing the local network is a remote dial-up device which can optionally provide a (slow) dial-up connection to the Internet. In that case, it becomes a general Internet connection, so I don't want to restrict it to just "example.lan".

Craig McQueen

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