Actually, my previous reply was wrong, you'll need to use the config

server=/local.tld/<address of unbound server>

to make this work.



On 03/08/18 14:51, Simon Kelley wrote:
> As far as I can tell, the Pihole instructions for configuring Unbound
> specify that the local TLD should be configured as not DNSSEC signed.
> As far as dnsmasq is concerned, therefore, any answers in the local TLD
> cannot be proven as valid, since they're unsigned, and it cannot be
> proven that the local TLD is unsigned, since there's no trust path from
> the root that proves that.
> The BOGUS reply from dnsmasq is therefore quite correct.
> THe fix for this is to tell dnsmasq that the local TLD is NOT DNSSEC signed.
> something like
> server=/local.tld/#
> in the pihole dnsmasq config should do the trick.
> (Note that when researching this answer, I found a couple of corner-case
> bugs to do with this code, one of which is that the logging for that
> server line doesn't include the information that DNSSEC is disabled for
> t hat TLD. This shouldn't stop it working.
> Cheers,
> Simon.
> On 03/08/18 13:14, Walter | Exclusive-IT wrote:
>> Good day Sir,
>> Mark, from Pi-hole, advised me to ask you about a possible DNSMasq
>> bug/issue through this channel.
>> I would very much appreciate your thoughts on this issue:
>> Thank you in advance for your time,
>> -- 
>> *Met vriendelijke groet, kind regards,*
>> Walter van 't Hoff
>> Exclusive-IT logo    
>> *Exclusive-IT*
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