I've noticed that Dnsmasq git master (2.80-68-gfef2f1c) will sometimes 
incorrectly return SERVFAIL and log a Bogus verdict when looking up domain 
names which are Insecure CNAMEs for a Secure names.

For example:

www.ipv6.org.uk. IN CNAME proxy.mythic-beasts.com.
www.linuxquestions.org. IN CNAME www.linuxquestions.org.cdn.cloudflare.net.

ipv6.org.uk and linuxquestions.org are both Insecure (non-existence of DS 
record in parent zone is proven with signed NSEC3).

proxy.mythic-beasts.com and www.linuxquestions.org.cdn.cloudflare.net are 
Secure, on the other hand.

See http://dnsviz.net/d/www.ipv6.org.uk/dnssec/ and 
http://dnsviz.net/d/www.linuxquestions.org/dnssec/ for detailed analysis.

I have more examples, but I figured two was probably enough.

/etc/dnsmasq.conf contains:

conf-file = /usr/share/dnsmasq/trust-anchors.conf

When I try to look up the two problematic hostnames (using "dig @ -p 
5353 <hostname> IN A") I get the following (blank lines inserted for clarity):

$ dnsmasq -d -p 5353
dnsmasq: started, version 2.80-68-gfef2f1c cachesize 150
dnsmasq: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt DBus no-UBus no-i18n IDN2 DHCP 
DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP no-conntrack ipset auth DNSSEC loop-detect inotify dumpfile
dnsmasq: DNSSEC validation enabled
dnsmasq: configured with trust anchor for <root> keytag 20326
dnsmasq: configured with trust anchor for <root> keytag 19036
dnsmasq: using nameserver
dnsmasq: cleared cache

dnsmasq: query[A] www.ipv6.org.uk from
dnsmasq: forwarded www.ipv6.org.uk to
dnsmasq: dnssec-query[DS] uk to
dnsmasq: dnssec-query[DNSKEY] . to
dnsmasq: reply . is DNSKEY keytag 20326, algo 8
dnsmasq: reply . is DNSKEY keytag 59944, algo 8
dnsmasq: reply uk is DS keytag 43876, algo 8, digest 2
dnsmasq: dnssec-query[DS] org.uk to
dnsmasq: dnssec-query[DNSKEY] uk to
dnsmasq: reply uk is DNSKEY keytag 43876, algo 8
dnsmasq: reply uk is DNSKEY keytag 43056, algo 8
dnsmasq: reply org.uk is DS keytag 41523, algo 8, digest 2
dnsmasq: dnssec-query[DS] ipv6.org.uk to
dnsmasq: dnssec-query[DNSKEY] org.uk to
dnsmasq: reply org.uk is DNSKEY keytag 41523, algo 8
dnsmasq: reply ipv6.org.uk is no DS
dnsmasq: dnssec-query[DS] com to
dnsmasq: reply com is DS keytag 30909, algo 8, digest 2
dnsmasq: dnssec-query[DS] mythic-beasts.com to
dnsmasq: dnssec-query[DNSKEY] com to
dnsmasq: reply com is DNSKEY keytag 30909, algo 8
dnsmasq: reply com is DNSKEY keytag 17708, algo 8
dnsmasq: reply mythic-beasts.com is DS keytag 42918, algo 10, digest 2
dnsmasq: dnssec-query[DNSKEY] mythic-beasts.com to
dnsmasq: reply mythic-beasts.com is DNSKEY keytag 42918, algo 10
dnsmasq: reply mythic-beasts.com is DNSKEY keytag 39980, algo 10
dnsmasq: validation www.ipv6.org.uk is BOGUS
dnsmasq: reply www.ipv6.org.uk is <CNAME>
dnsmasq: reply proxy.mythic-beasts.com is
dnsmasq: reply proxy.mythic-beasts.com is

dnsmasq: query[A] www.linuxquestions.org from
dnsmasq: forwarded www.linuxquestions.org to
dnsmasq: dnssec-query[DS] org to
dnsmasq: reply org is DS keytag 9795, algo 7, digest 2
dnsmasq: reply org is DS keytag 9795, algo 7, digest 1
dnsmasq: dnssec-query[DS] linuxquestions.org to
dnsmasq: dnssec-query[DNSKEY] org to
dnsmasq: reply org is DNSKEY keytag 9795, algo 7
dnsmasq: reply org is DNSKEY keytag 17883, algo 7
dnsmasq: reply org is DNSKEY keytag 47612, algo 7
dnsmasq: reply org is DNSKEY keytag 44078, algo 7
dnsmasq: reply linuxquestions.org is no DS
dnsmasq: dnssec-query[DS] net to
dnsmasq: reply net is DS keytag 35886, algo 8, digest 2
dnsmasq: dnssec-query[DS] cloudflare.net to
dnsmasq: dnssec-query[DNSKEY] net to
dnsmasq: reply net is DNSKEY keytag 59540, algo 8
dnsmasq: reply net is DNSKEY keytag 35886, algo 8
dnsmasq: reply net is DNSKEY keytag 2129, algo 8
dnsmasq: reply cloudflare.net is DS keytag 2371, algo 13, digest 2
dnsmasq: dnssec-query[DNSKEY] cloudflare.net to
dnsmasq: reply cloudflare.net is DNSKEY keytag 34505, algo 13
dnsmasq: reply cloudflare.net is DNSKEY keytag 2371, algo 13
dnsmasq: validation www.linuxquestions.org is BOGUS
dnsmasq: reply www.linuxquestions.org is <CNAME>
dnsmasq: reply www.linuxquestions.org.cdn.cloudflare.net is
dnsmasq: reply www.linuxquestions.org.cdn.cloudflare.net is

The upstream DNS server is running BIND 9.9.5 with DNSSEC validation enabled.

I suspect the problem might be related to something in the Authority or 
Additional sections of the answer packet, since I don't get this problem if I 
use or as the upstream server.

I tested Knot Resolver towards the same upstream server, and it gave the 
correct Insecure verdict for both queries.

If I query for the CNAME directly (using "dig @ -p 5353 <hostname> IN 
CNAME"), I get a correct Insecure verdict.

If I query for the domain names the CNAME points to to (proxy.mythic-beasts.com 
and www.linuxquestions.org.cdn.cloudflare.net), I get a correct Secure verdict.

I am attaching PCAP files that show the DNS packets between Dnsmasq and the 
upstream server for the above two queries.

I'm happy to arrange access to a VM with access to the upstream server which 
exposes the problem, in case that is helpful.


Attachment: www.ipv6.org.uk.pcap
Description: application/vnd.tcpdump.pcap

Attachment: www.linuxquestions.org.pcap
Description: application/vnd.tcpdump.pcap

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