On Wed, Sep 25, 2019 at 06:21:56PM +0200, Olivier wrote:
> Hello,
> I've got a Debian Stretch host for which I need to serve specific replies
> depending on the queried interface.
> For instance, if a DNS query is received on interface (say eth0.15 for
> example), then a specific cache and a specific /etc/hosts-like file be
> searched before querying a DNS server over the Internet.
> If an other DNS query is received on a different interface (say eth1.30 for
> example), then another specific cache may and an other specific
> /etc/hosts-like file be searched before querying a DNS server over the
> Internet.
> If think this feature is called Split-Horizon DNS.
> I've read 5 years old discussions to this but I prefer to ask here.
> Is possible to implement this with Dnsmasq 2.76 without configuration
> multiple Dnsmasq instances ?
> If negative, is there a Debian Stretch packaged alternative that also
> relies on /etc/hosts files (rather than specific DNS data files) ?

FWIW  I did recall seeing a simular request. So I went to the archive
and found 
Quoting that email with Subject: "Split DNS and DHCP listeners on a
single interface with iproute2 and systemd-networkd"
} My ultimate goal is to have a single instance of dnsmasq 

Geert Stappers
Leven en laten leven

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