On Fri, 9 Feb 2007, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:

There is a thread on the CircleID information site:


which, in the light of this week's attack on root name servers,
suggest to keep a local copy of the root zone.

I was surprised that there is apparently no formal document, either
RFC or else, on this subject "Local copy of the root zone considered
harmful | good". Did I miss something?

It seems that the idea comes out from time to time (often, to increase
confusion, blended with Internet Governance issues) and that there is
no "final" document to produce in the thread?

Local as in what? Every ISP, every corporate network?

Isn't it better to have several roots anycast and connect at every
large enough traffic exchange points (IX) so as to connect to everyone locally that way? So I'd say one of the better ways to achieve it
is to have IX operators sponsor DNS roots (especially those run by
non-profit) as far as providing them free colo space and connection
toexchange and announcing that to all those on the exchange as extra
service and something ISPs there should take advantage of.

William Leibzon
Elan Networks

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