On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 11:05:16AM -0400, Paul Wouters wrote:
> On Wed, 13 May 2015, Lee Howard wrote:
> >Is there consensus now that ISPs don’t need to provide PTRs for their 
> >customers?
> No.
> As long as the anti-spam meassures include refusing email from IPv6
> without PTR's, such a consensus would mean taking the ability away from
> people running their own mail servers with IPv6 on ISP controlled IPv6.
> Without the PTRs, sadly those IPv6 addresses are not equal peers on the
> internet, but only marginally better than a NATed IPv4 address.

In their (desperate) efforts to prevent spam, my provider blocks tcp/25 
outbound. It makes no difference whether I have a PTR or not, I can't connect 
to any mail servers. And AFAIK that's fairly common, at least in the US.

My provider doesn't support v6 yet, so I don't know whether this policy will 
extend there; I have every expectation that it will.


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