Tim Wicinski <tjw.i...@gmail.com> writes:

> This starts a Call for Adoption for: draft-hoffman-dnssec

I support the concept of getting something down to a single reference,
and believe that this document is a good start and should be accepted as
a WG document.

Personally, I'd prefer we produce a STD but that's more work, certainly.

I'll also note it could probably be informational too, since it reads
more like a roadmap than a BCP.  But that's a very subjective statement.

Finally, I have comments/suggestions about some of the text in the
document but I'll refrain from mentioning those until it's adopted.

> This call for adoption ends: 7 April 2022

Final comment: it does feel like the appearance of this document/desire
and its subsequent call for adoption is doing an end-run around the
previous poll for what should be adopted next.  Though I understand the
reasons for it trumping the rest of the "line", though that's a horrible
misuse of a noun as the order of acceptance was never assured based on
the poll results.

Wes Hardaker

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