Lectori Salutem,

draft-ietf-dnsop-rfc4641bis-01 has just been posted. I realize that this is not according to the rule to not submit 01 drafts shortly after a version 00 has been submitted and would understand if it would therefore not be able to feature the agenda.

While draft-ietf-dnsop-rfc4641bis-00 is RFC4641 backported to XML with the errata fixed and some nits corrected this version contains some substantive material currently this is only strawman text intended to get progress on the issues currently addressed; not all open issues are addressed yet.

For those who are familiar with the RFC4641 material I suggest that you look at appendix D.2 of the document that gives a summary of the changes and use the diff tool to assess where chances have been made. In other words use


I would like to ask careful review of the new recommendations in section 3, specifically the key size recommendations.

As far as progressing this document I would like to close issues one by one and hope that after they are closed we can be strong enough not to revisit them. I will try to make an effort to high light certain arguments in the issue lists. Using SVN is a bit of an experiment. The issue list can be found at: http://www.nlnetlabs.nl/svn/rfc4641bis/trunk/open-issues/

Kind regards,

--Olaf Kolkman

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