Hi there, authors (and WG),

Thank you for this document, I found it clear, useful, and an easy read.

I did have one comment / clarification which I think would help the

I don't think that it is especially clear to the first time reader that the
query itself is the error report. Yes, it is stated (in the definition of
"Report query"), and strongly implied in the last two paragraphs of the
example, but I suspect that people will miss this. They will see "query"
and "query report", but will assume that they should do something with the
response to  _er.1.broken.test.7._er.a01.agent-domain.example and somehow
send the report there. People generally don't think of the qname itself
signalling something.

I don't have exact text to suggest to fix this, but perhaps something like:
"The report query will ultimately arrive at the monitoring agent, and the
monitoring agent extracts and parses the report from the query itself". or
"The act of sending the query is itself the error report" or something?

I think that this should be a simple, and clear improvement… but it's also
entirely possible that it's just me who finds this confusing. If y'all
think it's clear enough as is, I'm fine to start IETF LC….

Please let me know LOUDLY either way,

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