On Mon, Nov 13, 2006 at 10:15:07PM -0800, Douglas Otis wrote:
> There is a general threat to DNS created by an experimental email script
> contained within DNS records.

As far as I understand, the attack vector relies on some process
outside the DNS retrieving, interpreting and acting on records
contained in the DNS.  Is this correct?  If so, my feeling is the SPF
folks should revise their protocol.  Perhaps it isn't altogether a
good idea to make protocols general enough to be near-Turing-complete
for the sake of data compression.

However, please clarify why a DNS working group should take
responsibility for fixing the semantics of data people choose to
put into the DNS.  People bringing down parts of the DNS through
DOS attacks is hardly new.  Storing the semantics of the attack
into the DNS itself is cute but hardly a cause for action by a DNS
working group.

Finally, if such a protocol (experimental, right?) were to start being
deployed, it would likely destroy its own ecology, so I don't see it
lasting long in an environment of cautious network operators.

-- Andras Salamon                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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